What Do Great Leaders Do Differently?
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What Do Great Leaders Do Differently?
Great leaders are different than average executives. Great leaders hire and retain top talent. They create a vibrant culture that motivates and brings the best out in people. They have a great vision and a bias toward action.
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 27, 2014 2:34 PM

Content Curation is NOT just for Marketing and Sales

Curation in an of itself can be a solitary activity - unless learners connect with their Personal Learning Network (PLN). HR leaders can develop a continuous learning organization by connecting curation with PLN.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Excellent article on encouraging the use of content curation INSIDE a company to improve your organization's "learning" capability by sharing relevant blogs, articles, slide presentations, videos - and other content that moves your company from a bunch of isolated individuals to a shared learning organization environment.

Not only do top performers seek out these type of organizations, but they also tend to stay longer due to the learning nature of the company. Another big benefit is the increased productivity that comes from everyone learning and sharing to do their job more effectively. Communication goes through the roof - not only internally but also with customers.

The best part is that it's so easy to set up and train your team how to use content to drive a move toward being a learning organization. Literally, you could be up and running in 24 hours.

What's the downside? Are you worried it might take away from actually doing real work? Are you worried someone might share something inappropriate? Set a few basic policies like your social media policy (you do have one of those in place - right?)

What's holding you back from moving to the stage of high sharing, communication, engagement, and learning?

Barry Deutsch

Master of Hiring Accuracy

Doctor of Hiring Failure and Pain

Prognosticator of Radical Hiring Improvement


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 28, 2013 12:37 PM

Hiring The Wrong Salesperson?

Hiring The Wrong Salesperson? | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
Hiring The Wrong Salesperson? What Is The Cost? Avoid The 3 Major Mistakes!
Barry Deutsch's insight:

This article by Wyn Nathan Davis in The Sales Experts Blog hits the proverbial nail on the head why the current "state" of sales hiring is an abomination in most companies.

Wyn indicates:

"64% of salespeople, who fail, do so because they are in the wrong job, not because they cannot sell. Combine this fact with the knowledge that in many sales forces, 20% of the sales force delivers 80% of the revenues and the value of hiring the right candidate is enormous."

I've presented our hiring program to over 30,000 CEOs and Senior Executives in the last 20 years. Wyn is probably being conservative in his estimates of salesperson performance and success.

I've been studying this issue lately. Hiring sales people who can meet quota appears to be one of the greatest frustrations of many of my clients. Why does salesperson hiring fail? Most studies show that 2/3 or more of sales professionals fail to achieve their annual quotas.

1. You base the decision on rapport, chemistry and likeability more than the ability to perform in the job.

2. You don't have a well-defined hiring process based on best practices in hiring sales professionals. It's arbitrary, random, and generates mixed results.

3. You don't compare your environment of selling with the environments (culture, pace, deal size, activities, effort) the candidate has come from. We call this adaptability in our hiring methodology.

4. The folks responsible for making hiring decisions don't understand how to hire effectively. They've never been trained. They are basing their decisions on important hiring on life experiences. Not training your sales management how to make great hires is a quick guarantee of hiring failure.

When are you planning on giving your sales hiring process and sales manager interview training a check-up?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 28, 2013 12:22 PM

Do You Tolerate Workplace Bullies?

Do You Tolerate Workplace Bullies? | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
Just like back in the schoolyard, a workplace bully can terrorize the people around them.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Mark Swartz talks about the problems and issues of workplace bullies. I find that many staff people are not bullies - the problem I see applies more at the managerial and executive level.

As the CEO or senior executive - do you have bullies leading teams in your organization. Prepare yourself for mutiny or sabotage. Over the last 3-4 years with the recession, there's been no place to go. That's changing now - the job market is springing back. People have choices and most employees will not TOLERATE abusive bosses who are mercurial, play head games, and engage in overt and subtle dysfunctional behaviors with their teams.

The old saying holds true - you are what you tolerate. What do you tolerate?

Why are most company managers and executives still stuck in a "big stick-fear motivated approach" when it comes to managing people? Who really believes this is an effective way to lead?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



Do you have a FREE Copy of our best selling e-book on how to hire and retain top talent?




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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 28, 2013 12:04 PM

Don't be a bad boss

Don't be a bad boss | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
So, what should line managers - who are coming through the ranks - do to avoid the 'traps' of poor management?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I love this phrase that Graham uses to describe one of the syndromes of bad bosses: accidental managers - the folks who were good sales reps that overnight get promoted to be sales managers, or the clever engineer who gets promoted to be engineering manager.

I concur with Graham's assessment of managers and leaders. Most are not bad people - they've just never been trained how to be good managers and leaders - so they wing it based on their life experiences.

Since one of the most important elements of employee satisfaction and by extension performance - is based upon the direct relationship an employee has with their immediate boss - are you willing to ROLL THE DICE on the effectiveness of your leadership-management-supervisory team?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 24, 2013 1:34 PM

The Changing Role of the CEO

The Changing Role of the CEO | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
Boston Consulting Group issued a new report about debunking the myths of the first 100 days. It is worth reading if you are a new CEO. Several facts are worth
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting article about how the role of CEO has changed over time. I zeroed in on the challenge of overcoming poor employee satisfaction and engagement.

Over the last decade, in my workshops titled "You're The Person I Want to Keep", I have found that the vast majority (90% or more) have no viable retention strategy or integrated series of programs to boost employee engagement.

A few have the traditional programs like educational reimbursement and the annual employee picnic. They must have forgotten to shift out of 1970ish management mode.

What are you doing to boost employee engagement before the massive wave of turnover occurs in your company due to an improving job market?

Barry Deutsch


Leadership Blog for CEOs and Senior Executives in the Vistage and TEC Community




If your passion is focused on being the best leader possible, join us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group for leadership topics ranging from hiring and retaining top talent to outstanding sales management



Scott Span, MSOD's curator insight, March 5, 2013 7:07 PM

So, what about those forst 100 days...

Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from #BetterLeadership
January 7, 2013 2:23 PM

Leading with the Heart— and a Dash of Emotional Intelligence

Leading with the Heart— and a Dash of Emotional Intelligence | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it

..."Manage your own behavior first. Many managers try to control others’ behavior by being coercive, manipulative or demanding. Control your impulses, take responsibility for your actions, and be adaptable. If you aren’t a responsible leader, don’t expect employees to shoulder the responsibility for making your business a success."

Via AlGonzalezinfo
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Why do most managers and executives have trouble "coaching" their teams to higher levels of peformance? Why is it that so few companies spend NOTHING on training managers and executives how to coach, inspire, delegate, assign, and give feedback?

Everyone pays lipservice to the idea of leading/managing teams, but so few companies put their resources behind the concept of being a great place to work because of the quality of the leadership/management.

We seem to have taken the "heart" out of leading/managing and it's become a very sterile environment that just doesn't work. Trust comes from the heart, and if you're not leading, managing, coaching from that perspective, your team will NEVER trust you!

Barry Deutsch


Leadership Blog for CEOs and Senior Executives in the Vistage and TEC Community




If your passion is focused on being the best leader possible, join us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group for leadership topics ranging from hiring and retaining top talent to outstanding sales management




AlGonzalezinfo's curator insight, January 7, 2013 6:23 AM

When we receive feedback with an open heart, it is easier to look in the mirror and improve.

Martin o'neon's curator insight, January 8, 2013 10:06 AM

Why do most managers and executives have trouble "coaching" their teams to higher levels of peformance? Why is it that so few companies spend NOTHING on training managers and executives how to coach, inspire, delegate, assign, and give feedback?


Everyone pays lipservice to the idea of leading/managing teams, but so few companies put their resources behind the concept of being a great place to work because of the quality of the leadership/management.


We seem to have taken the "heart" out of leading/managing and it's become a very sterile environment that just doesn't work. Trust comes from the heart, and if you're not leading, managing, coaching from that perspective, your team will NEVER trust you!


Barry Deutsch


Leadership Blog for CEOs and Senior Executives in the Vistage and TEC Community




If your passion is focused on being the best leader possible, join us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group for leadership topics ranging from hiring and retaining top talent to outstanding sales management




AnnC's curator insight, October 21, 2014 10:13 PM

Lead with love.

Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from Leadership Best Practices because Culture Matters
December 26, 2012 2:18 AM

Do You Think Like An Doctor When Looking at Your Company?

Do You Think Like An Doctor When Looking at  Your Company? | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
Learn how to dramatically improve your business by determining which of these vital four factors is most in need of repair

Via Mark Taylor
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Are you "up" on the best practices of how to examine your company and "fix" key issues. As one of my favorite sales speakers once said (Zig Ziglar):

Is it time for a check-up from the neck up?

When was the last time you conducted a "diagnostic" on your company?

Barry Deutsch


Leadership Blog for CEOs and Senior Executives in the Vistage and TEC Community




If your passion is focused on being the best leader possible, join us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group for leadership topics ranging from hiring and retaining top talent to outstanding sales management



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 18, 2012 10:18 PM

Fight the Nine Symptoms of Corporate Decline

Fight the Nine Symptoms of Corporate Decline | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
How to know if your organizational culture is turning toxic, and what to do about it.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Excellent article on HBR regarding culture problems - slipping from a high energy, engaged, motivated environment.

One of my favorite of the 9 was:

"Aspirations diminish. People stop believing that progress is possible. They are willing to settle for mediocrity."

I've seen over the last 20 plus years in working with entrepreneurial and small businesses that there is a tendency to accept mediocrity in performance and hiring.

Unfortunatelythis acceptance of mediocrity sets the glass ceiling limiting your organization's capability and success.

As a CEO, why do you put with mediocrity in the performance of your subordinates or in the hiring practices of managers and supervisors in your company?

Barry Deutsch


Leadership Blog for CEOs and Senior Executives in the Vistage and TEC Community




If your passion is focused on being the best leader possible, join us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group for leadership topics ranging from hiring and retaining top talent to outstanding sales management



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 25, 2012 4:13 PM

5 Myths Of Human Capital Management - Forbes

5 Myths Of Human Capital Management - Forbes | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it

"5 Myths Of Human Capital Management. HR is one of those fields where numerous myths endure."

Good article on the Forbes website about "myths" of hiring and managing employees. Does your organization fall victim to these "myths". Do you have your own set of tribal "myths" and "activities" that have built up over the years - but you know are counter-productive?

How do you break these "myths?" Are they reinforced through human resources or hiring managers? Do you need more training in effective human capital management OR do you need to replace some of the people in charge of it?

Barry Deutsch

Leadership Blog for CEOs and Senior Executives in the Vistage and TEC Community


If your passion is focused on being the best leader possible, join us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group for leadership topics ranging from hiring and retaining top talent to outstanding sales management


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 3, 2012 9:03 PM

How to become a CEO: first learn how to fire people and close things

How to become a CEO: first learn how to fire people and close things | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
If you want to be a CEO, it's time to make sure your resume includes this phrase: "extensive downsizing experience." Ford Motor Co. yesterday named Mark Fields its new chief operating officer.

What a depressing perspective on the role of being a CEO. Of course, downsizing might the part of any CEO role when restructuring or bad times hit. However, you would think someone at the pinnacle of corporate leadership would have a more positive perspective on leading, engaging employees, or providing value to customers?

What do you think? Was the comment on the mark or way off base?

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions Hire and Retain Blog

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 3, 2012 2:34 PM

When does performance management become bullying?

When does performance management become bullying? | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
Bullying is in the eye of the beholder, at least for the time being, in this country. There is no national definition of bullying or non-sexual harassment behaviour in law at present.

Where does the gap occur between what a manager considers performance management and constructive feedback and the employee considers bullying?

Do you teach your managers the difference betweent he two. Just because they carry the title of "manager" doesn't correlate with their ability to conduct effective performance management.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Blog

Do you have a FREE Copy of our best selling ebook on how to hire top talent?

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Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from #BetterLeadership
October 18, 2012 11:42 PM

The Payoff for Developing Leadership Skills

The Payoff for Developing Leadership Skills | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it

Losing $400,000 a Month!


The result of this one man’s mismanagement was staggering: The facility began to decline and after 3 months it was in the red to the tune of $400,000.

I've found that most small businesses and entrepreneurial companies invest very little resources in management and leadership training. Not only do top performers demand a large amount of training and development, study after study has shown that investing in training yields returns far greater than the initial training investment.

What percentage of your sales do you invest in training and development?

Barry Deutsch


Via AlGonzalezinfo
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 9, 2012 8:45 AM

12 Signs They Are Not A Good Leader

12 Signs They Are Not A Good Leader | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it

Most of us have worked for leaders that are for all intents and purposes were not very good.  I have worked with and for both great leaders and those not very good leaders.


To be honest, I actually learned a lot in my early days of leadership from some really bad leaders.  Not only were they bad leaders, they were oblivious to the negative affects of their poor leadership.   There are many signs that a leader is not a good leader and below are 12 Obvious Signs.


The reason I attribute these signs to not being a ”Good Leader” instead of “Great Leader,” is due to the fact that a leader usually goes through the progression of being a “Good Leader” before they can become a “Great Leader.”

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 18, 2013 10:05 PM

Is Top Talent Turned Off by HR?

Is Top Talent Turned Off by HR? | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting comment about "needing to hire better HR people".

Is the issue that bad or weak HR people are being hired OR perhaps the issue is different.

Perhaps, HR professionals are not gaining proper business experience because of the perception most executives have for the HR function?

Perhaps, most CEOs are poorly defining expecations for the performance of HR - especially from a business perspective - viewing it as a regularly, compliance oriented, backroom function.

Perhaps, the schools preparing HR professionals are doing a good job giving them the business skills to be successful like other programs in operations, sales, marketing, and finance.

HR has the potential to drive enormous change in most companies, ranging from improving the culture to raising employee productivity through engagement and motivation.

My question is not so much about the need to hire better HR professionals, but rather why are companies not getting a bigger bang from the HR function?

Are you the type of CEO that is highly leveraging HR to drive dramatic change -  or is basically an administrative function in your company?

Barry Deutsch


Leadership Blog for CEOs and Senior Executives in the Vistage and TEC Community




If your passion is focused on being the best leader possible, join us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group for leadership topics ranging from hiring and retaining top talent to outstanding sales management




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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 28, 2013 12:28 PM

Are You Struggling to Find Good Employees Through Ineffective Tactics?

Are You Struggling to Find Good Employees Through Ineffective Tactics? | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
A survey of revealed that one in four employers is struggling to fill vacancies.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I see this trend of companies struggling to fill open jobs as I present to CEO and Senior Executive Groups across the country.

Another study was recently done regarding unfilled jobs:

"The survey from the world's third-largest recruiter, Manpower Group, showed that 35 percent of nearly 40,000 employers surveyed globally during the first quarter of 2013 reported difficulties in finding staff with the right skills – the highest shortage since the start of the recession."

However, I disagree with the commonly-held belief that the reason so many jobs are going unfilled for long periods of time is that educators are not properly preparing students for jobs today.

I believe the major reason jobs are unfilled is that the primary techniques employeers use of a little light networking, job fairs, and job postings are ineffective in bring the right candidate to your doorstep. Instead, the common practice of posting a job description on a job board and allowing it to masquerade as a compelling ad brings the bottom 1/3 of the candidate pool to the table.

If all you're seeing is the bottom 1/3, you're doomed to fail in hiring before you've begun.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 28, 2013 12:14 PM

How to hire good people instead of nice people

How to hire good people instead of nice people | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
Usually, employers rapidly scan the resume of each job applicant looking for relevant education, skills, and work experience.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Brooke talks about a strategy for hiring that brings a different perspective to the equation  - honesty, caring, giving - core values that are important in hiring.

What he doesn't talk about is how he extracts this information from the candidate and validates, verifies, and vets he is getting to the truth. Take the recent example of Rutgers hiring of Julie Hermann as AD after their recent controversy. She claims she was not abusive as a coach - yet there is an overwhelming public opinion and internet storm to the opposite.

How do you really know the candidate is being authentic. I think some of Brooke's points are valid - yet perhaps a little naive.

It's fine to get beyond performance and success validation in the interview to measure core traits of success and import behavioral elements - but you must have a precise, specific, validated approach to proving the candidate can support their claims.

One of the greatest failure points in hiring is wanting to believe people are good, authentic, honest, straight-forward in the interivew - the feedback I've received from presenting to over 30,000 CEOs and senior executives in the last 15 years is that it's not true. Most hiring managers believe that 100 percent of candidates lie, embellish, and exaggerate in the interview.

Do you have techniques to prevent this from happening?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Brooke Allen's comment, June 9, 2013 12:17 PM
Hi, This is Brooke. Once we get down to our finalist candidates we do background checks and pull credit history. This is a legal requirement because we are a securities firm.
Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 7, 2013 2:55 PM

Leadership: Are You Working On Your Game?

Leadership: Are You Working On Your Game? | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting perspective on the difference between being a good leader vs. an amazing leader. The problem is that so few executives care about getting better, or improving their leadership ability.

Very few practice as Covey calls it "sharpening the saw". Very few "work on their game" as I talk about with my fellow basketball coaches.

I look at the things I do - executive seach, teaching CEOs on to hire and retain top talent, coaching companies on how to leverage social media to increase sales, and coaching high school girls baskeball.

I'm always benchmarking what I do vs. what the best do. I'm always reading, learning, exploring how do I get better.

For most executives, there is no continuous learning, benchmarking, and exploration. You're the same today in your leadership effectiveness as you were 10 years ago.

These are acquired and learned skills - no one is intuitively or naturally born with leadership skills.

So, the real question about becoming an amazing leader is: are you willing to work on becoming an amazing leader - do you even care?

What do you imagine is in it for you if you could move from being an average or mediocre executive to a truly amazing leader?

Barry Deutsch


Leadership Blog for CEOs and Senior Executives in the Vistage and TEC Community




If your passion is focused on being the best leader possible, join us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group for leadership topics ranging from hiring and retaining top talent to outstanding sales management





Sigrid de Kaste's curator insight, April 7, 2013 8:01 PM

Looking at yourself...take a good look becasue it's you who makes the team!

Scott Span, MSOD's curator insight, April 9, 2013 10:13 AM

Are you always learning?

Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from Leadership Best Practices because Culture Matters
January 25, 2013 11:09 PM

Beyond Why with Simon Sinek | Executive Street

Beyond Why with Simon Sinek | Executive Street | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it

Simon Sinek speaks about leadership and the four chemicals that dictate office behavior at the 2013 Vistage Think BIG Conference. He was great!

Via Mark Taylor
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Good overview on how chemicals affect leadership. I particularly liked the African proverb about leadership at the end of the article. I wish I could have been at the Vistage conference this year.

Barry Deutsch


Leadership Blog for CEOs and Senior Executives in the Vistage and TEC Community




If your passion is focused on being the best leader possible, join us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group for leadership topics ranging from hiring and retaining top talent to outstanding sales management





Luís Cochofel's curator insight, January 27, 2013 7:43 AM

Interesting approach to the factors one needs to be aware of in a leadership position.

Sandra Valéria Barbosa's comment January 27, 2013 7:52 AM
I'm following you. Follow me too. Thanks.
Luís Cochofel's comment, January 27, 2013 8:41 AM
Thank you Sandra V. Barbosa. Abri o seu perfil de Linked In, mas está vazio...
Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 27, 2012 8:18 PM

Why Year-End Reviews Are A Big Fat Waste Of Time

Why Year-End Reviews Are A Big Fat Waste Of Time | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
Let's cut to the chase: If the only feedback your employees get from you is in the form of a 6- or 12-month performance review, it’s time to change your approach to feedback.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

After years of "HR enlightenment" around performance reviews and performance management, WHY is it still so bad in most companies?

I'll contend that one of the most important elements of boss-subordinate relationships is feedback - and most companies are guilty of doing (or not doing) a terrible job of continuous training and coaching for those in management roles.

The only way this is going to get better, and you'll stop losing your best talent, is to start investing in teaching managers how to coach, give feedback, and develop diverse groups of people into high performing teams.

Just because you wear a manager hat doesn't mean your good at it!

What I can't fathom is why companies tolerate average, mediocre, poorly-trained, contradictory, dysfunctional, mean-spirited, and abusive managers. Sounds like I'm preparing a Dilbert comic strip.

Barry Deutsch


Leadership Blog for CEOs and Senior Executives in the Vistage and TEC Community




If your passion is focused on being the best leader possible, join us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group for leadership topics ranging from hiring and retaining top talent to outstanding sales management



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 24, 2012 11:57 AM

Danny Meyer: What to Do When an Employee Screws Up [VIDEO]

Danny Meyer: What to Do When an Employee Screws Up [VIDEO] | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it

"The founder of Shake Shake and Union Square Cafe talks about how to respond when an employee screws up"

Barry Deutsch's insight:

A counter-intuitive and refreshing approach to dealing with employees who make mistakes. I love this idea Danny Meyer terms "enlightened hospitality". An excellent video to watch, especially if you tend toward the type A emotional side of management where your anger sometimes clouds your judgement.

Barry Deutsch


Leadership Blog for CEOs and Senior Executives in the Vistage and TEC Community




If your passion is focused on being the best leader possible, join us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group for leadership topics ranging from hiring and retaining top talent to outstanding sales management




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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 18, 2012 9:21 PM

Seven Essential Characteristics of Innovative Companies

Seven Essential Characteristics of Innovative Companies | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
Innovation is nothing more than a tool that enables companies to achieve unique, strategic goals. It should not simply be a slogan, nor an end unto itself, argues Jeffrey Baumgartner.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I reflected on this article regarding innovation and the simple explanation of it being a tool to accomplish goals. I started thinking about the clients I've worked with over the last decade and began to struggle to identify where many of those companies have been innovative.

I realized that frequently innovation as a buzzword is given the same lip service that "our people are our greatest assets" sometimes gets espoused by company leaders.

Do you innovate? Is it a foundation of your culture? Is your innovation beyond products - do you come up with new processes, ways of engaging with customers or employees, developing new communication vehicles?

Do you embed the concept of innovating in all your processes? Does it start with benchmarking your competitors?

Barry Deutsch


Leadership Blog for CEOs and Senior Executives in the Vistage and TEC Community




If your passion is focused on being the best leader possible, join us in our LinkedIn Discussion Group for leadership topics ranging from hiring and retaining top talent to outstanding sales management



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 14, 2012 7:42 PM

Strategies to Help You Transition Into Becoming Your Company’s Next CEO - Vistage Baltimore

Strategies to Help You Transition Into Becoming Your Company’s Next CEO - Vistage Baltimore | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it

Great advice on transitioning into the role of CEO.

I liked this list of bullet points Marv Howard laid out in his post on the Vistage Baltimore site about stepping into the role of CEO. In our executive search practice and hiring consulting we've seen many CEOs and senior executives fail in their first 6-12 months for the issues Marv described in this article.

A good checklist if you're stepping into the role of CEO or your still on your honeymoon with a new company.

Barry Deutsch

Vistage Baltimore's comment, November 29, 2012 11:28 AM
Thank you so much for sharing this great post by Marv Howard. We are glad you found it valuable.
Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 3, 2012 8:05 PM

Three Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln

Three Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it

"Three Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln by Josh Lowry Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, serving from March, 1861, until his assassination in April, 1865."

With the new movie coming out, I thought this was a timely piece linking Lincoln's Presidency with leadership lessons. Do you provide vision, execution, and influence with your team? Are there key elements of Lincoln's leadership that are appropriate to be included in a leadership lesson?

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent Blog

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Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from #BetterLeadership
October 18, 2012 11:47 PM

In A Great Business, People Trump Things - Forbes

In A Great Business, People Trump Things - Forbes | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it
For the past 20 years, I’ve taught aspiring young business leaders at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.  These ambitious future leaders – drawn from every race, religion, ethnicity and nationality -- spend two years in Palo Alto...

Here's my question about this "people" philosophy? Why do so many executives and CEOs give "lip service to the idea of "people are our greatest asset?" when the reality is that in most companies people are treated as expendable things.

Very few companies invest heavily in the acquisition and retention of top talent at all levels in the organization. Few managers are excited about the idea of interviewing and adding to their teams. There is very little training done to teach managers and executives how to hire and retain great employees.

Finally, very few bonus plans include specific elements for the ability to recruit and hire great performers. If people are not measured and rewarded, and there is no consequences for doing it poorly - why should managers and executives care about hiring and retention?

Barry Deutsch


Via Metta Solutions, AlGonzalezinfo
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Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from #BetterLeadership
October 17, 2012 8:37 AM

4 Simple Steps to SMART Goals

4 Simple Steps to SMART Goals | What Do Great Leaders Do Differently? | Scoop.it

As you think about your goals, write them down. It may seem unnecessary, but it is a key element in acheiving goals.


You may keep your written list of goals private, because they are designed to make you, as an individual, happy and successful. However, from a team perspective it may be important to share some of the goals to clearly give your team a vision.

Via AlGonzalezinfo
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