35 Interfaces That Changed Our World | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it

They provide smarter ways to use simple things and simpler ways to use smart things. Interfaces release the potential of complex systems and technologies to the users who need them. And every once in a while, they change everything.

We believe user interfaces have been pivotal to some of the world's most important innovations. And since the line between an "interface" and an "invention" can be quite fuzzy, we thought we'd explore that line – and take a tour of how interfaces have changed the world.

At Xerox, we have a long list of our own handy interfaces: The green-means-go button on your copier. The simple, elegant lines of the “hamburger” menu on your cellphone display screen. A “computer partner” that helps cities enforce parking regulations.

So here's a list celebrating our favorite user interface examples...

Via Jeff Domansky