10 Awesome Places to Find Background Music for Video – The Mission | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it

IConsumers find video engaging, compelling and convincing — so much so that they’re anywhere from 64% to 85% more likely to buy after watching a product video.


In fact, video on a landing page can boost conversions by an astonishing 80%. Already, companies that use video on their website get 41% more traffic from search results than those that don’t, and by next year, you can expect 74% of all web traffic to be video.


Sure, every smartphone worth its salt has a decent video camera, but the highly competitive content arena today demands top quality content in all formats — including video.


There’s a lot to think about, from actually shooting the video to post production, finding copyright free music and more. Equipment quality, lighting expertise, editing skill and audio optimization still matter a great deal (more than ever, in fact).


So while the barriers to entry for video creation have been reduced, the barriers to creating exceptional video have actually skyrocketed.In this column, we’re going to explore some really useful places to find one element that can make your marketing and product videos way more professional and polished: background music....

Via Jeff Domansky