From Bricks to Clicks – Learning Analytics recommendations | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
At the start of this year the UK Higher Education Academy (HEA) released its report ‘from bricks to clicks‘ which included (on p.7, copied below) a set of recommendations. Some of these are pretty UK specific (there may be Australian comparisons), but others are more general.

When it was released I thought it might be interesting for us to consider how UTS was addressing the recommendations (particularly as, per recommendation 8 and 9, my department falls within a strategic investment into university data adoption).  Actually looking through, the bullets, I did have immediate responses to each, but there are key recommendations I think are more interesting, and that I think would need implementing as pre-requisites to other recommendations (e.g., data literacy should be built before any use of data in accountability structures).  I might come back to this.

Via Elizabeth E Charles