So You're Already A Connected Educator... Now What? | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

It’s a time that even the federal government recognizes as an opportunity for teachers, principals, and administrators to meet and learn from others around the nation and even the world. Generally speaking, most folks are choosing to connect via some form of social media, notably Twitter. Social media has revolutionized what it means to be an educator and, unfortunately, it often carries a negative connotation such as unprofessional and immature adults who use social media as a means to berate or belittle their students or colleagues.


That’s not what it means to be a connected educator. However, once folks sign up for class Twitter pages or create Google+ profiles and begin finding others with whom they can share ideas, the question looms: now what? Maybe more importantly, so what? Here are 5 things to focus on once you’ve taken the plunge and decided to become a Connected Educator:

Via Gust MEES