Skype Translator Early Preview – Sign-Up Opens Today! | Global Education | Collaboration | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
We have seen tremendous interest and enthusiasm for Skype Translator from around the globe over the last few months and we’re incredibly excited to share it with the world. However, we want to hear from you first! The preview program will have limited spots available, so register today for your chance to secure a virtual spot in line!

The preview program will be free and will initially be available for Windows 8.1 computers and tablets only, and will kick-off with a limited selection of languages. That said, as part of the sign-up process, you’ll have the chance to tell us which languages are important to you, what platforms you’d like to see added, and how you plan to use Skype Translator once it becomes available. We look forward to this feedback, as it will help enhance future releases.

Via Gust MEES, Rui Guimarães Lima