What It Was Like to Be Online During the 80s | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
Before Google Fiber, before broadband, before you got bombarded with enough AOL free trial CDs to build your family a (very pointy and ineffective) home, the internet was a vastly simpler thing.


Gust MEES: There was ALSO Atari, Amiga, TRS80, Commodore 64, Commodore 128, first portable computer, not anymore existing browsers...

First Cassettes which needed to get trimmed the magnet reading head with a small screw driver when it wasn't working correctly, then BIG size diskettes, smaller size diskettes, and the known NOW ;) It's funny to see back WHAT happened in Technology, memories...



Via Gust MEES, Miloš Bajčetić