Instructional Coaches: How Do You Evaluate Your Impact? | Coaching | LEARNing To LEARN | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
Instructional coaches (IC's) are one group that are a bit more removed from students. Don't jump to any negative conclusions with that last sentence. What I mean is that, although they impact students in positive ways, they are a bit more separated from the consistent daily involvement that classroom teachers have with students.

Instructional coaches can have an enormous impact on the teaching and learning that happens in a school. Technology coaches help bridge the learning gap between teachers and technology. Content coaches can help teachers gain a better understanding of standards and subjects. Instructional coaches can help teachers improve their instructional practices in any subject at any time.

There are at least five reasons why schools should have instructional coaches. It's not that all teachers are weak and need help. It's about the idea that we all have blind spots (Otto Scharmer) and coaches can help others see their blind spots. According to this article in the New Yorker, even doctors have coaches to help them improve and see their blind spots.


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Via Gust MEES