Tired of slow page loading due to high resolution images? Check out this awesome new Moodle Plugin | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
As a Moodle site administrator, are you always worried about the size of the images used by the course designers? Being unaware about the impact sometimes they may upload a picture taken by a good quality camera of size more than 5 Mega Pixels when they don’t need such a high-resolution. It will affect the page load time and consume more bandwidth which is crucial for students accessing your course from Mobile devices.

One way to overcome this problem is either to train all the course designers about image size and compression techniques, but they may be reluctant in following the same. The second way and highly recommended way to overcome this is to use the Image Optimizer filter plugin on your Moodle site.

Via Miloš Bajčetić, Juergen Wagner