How Blended Learning Has Changed | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

“Blended learning takes advantage of the power of technology to deliver training “just in time,” anywhere and anytime. However, in blended learning, technology (and in particular, online education) is not used as an isolated tool, but as a key part of a comprehensive workplace performance solution. Online education, therefore, is not considered the only means to educate, but it should be considered an adjunct to the overall education process.” Evolution of Blended Learning.

Actually giving learners the power to decide where, when and how they’ll learn is the ultimate example of Blended Learning — rather than trying to control what happens when. 


This is sometimes a difficult idea for teachers to take on — the siren song of control is a sweet one, and giving it up causes a messy and chaotic environment.  But once you’ve experienced seeing students take responsibility for their own learning it’s a powerful idea.


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Via Gust MEES