Sir Ken Robinson: Finding Market Pressures To Innovate Education | #ModernEDU #Innovation | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
I never say that in criticism of teachers or of school principals or even of superintendents. That's something in the culture ─ at least, the political culture ─ of education. There is pressure on the system that gets in the way of what people most urgently need to do in schools to make them more humane and more personal places. There's really a lot more room for innovation in schools than people suspect. A lot of what goes on isn’t required by law; it's more a function of habit and tradition and routine than anything else.”

This habit of tradition and routine is exactly why education has remained woefully behind the times. In the business of education, we don’t have the usual market pressures that require innovation. Public education is a monopoly with no real competition to require forward movement.


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