Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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SFM forme les étudiants en master en traduction aux réseaux sociaux | Les feuilles volantes

Vous êtes jeune traducteur indépendant ? Vous faites vos premiers pas sur internet afin de promouvoir votre activité ? Les réseaux sociaux sont un composant indispensable de votre présence sur le web.!
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Multilingual degree opens up new world

Learning in one's mother tongue promotes a deep conceptual understanding of a subject.Language policy lets pupils down

Dead end for African languages?
A necessary conversation

As graduates of the only dual-medium undergraduate degree in South Africa, we write to offer our perceptions of multilingual education — a topic on which mainly academics have written in the Mail & Guardian.

We are four of the many students who have studied for the bachelor's degree in contemporary English and multilingual studies offered at the University of Limpopo since 2003. This has enabled us each to study one major subject, comprising six modules, through the medium of our home language, Sesotho sa Leboa (Northern Sotho) or Sepedi, and the other entirely in English.!
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Traduction littéraire - Association des Traducteurs Littéraires de France - Ouverture des candidatures pour l’Ecole de Traduction Littéraire (CNL-ETL)

15 octobre 2012 , par ATLF
Après une première session expérimentale de 3 mois au printemps 2012, la CNL-ETL ouvrira ses portes à compter de la mi-janvier 2013 à une première promotion de traducteurs, pour un cursus de deux ans.

Ce cursus s’adresse à des traducteurs professionnels en début de carrière, ayant au moins une traduction à leur actif chez un éditeur commercial. Les traducteurs depuis et vers toutes les langues étrangères sont éligibles.
L’école proposera, en alternance un samedi sur deux, dans les locaux du CNL à Paris, des ateliers de traduction multilingue, ainsi que des modules de formation professionnelle. Ces ateliers seront animés par des traducteurs renommés, ainsi que par des représentants du monde de l’édition (éditeurs, correcteurs, responsables de droits, directeurs commerciaux…). Ils seront complétés par des ateliers d’écriture, ainsi que par des cours consacrés au droit de l’édition et à l’utilisation des outils informatiques dans la pratique professionnelle.
L’École de Traduction Littéraire délivrera une attestation de formation, subordonnée à des conditions d’assiduité, chaque candidat s’engageant à suivre la totalité des cours, sauf cas de force majeure.
Les dossiers de candidature doivent être adressés au CNL avant le 15 novembre 2012
Les candidats retenus seront informés au plus tard le 15 décembre 2012.
Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez contacter le CNL
Télécharger le dossier de candidature :!
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Buddhist Translation Course started in Delhi | iSikkim

Karmapa International Buddhist Institute (K.I.B.I.) has opened its doors to promote study of Tibetan Buddhism among seekers and aspirant Buddhist followers. Lighting up the inaugural lamp of wisdom, His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje addressed the gathering of distinguished scholars and students who have gathered from many parts of the world to attend this translation course. Professor Lokesh Chandra, contemporary scholar of Buddhism and the Indian arts graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
The credit of developing a classic Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary and Dictionary of Buddhist Art goes to Professor Chandra, who also served as a distinguished member of Rajya Sabha and Chairman of the Indian Council of Historical Research.!
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postgraduate interpreting courses | The Interpreter Diaries

October 4, 2012
Interpreter Training: Is This a Game-Changer?
Even in this world of constant connection and information overload, every once in a while there is a story that stands out from the rest. Being a trainer of conference interpreters, it’s clear that my eye is most likely to be caught by stories and events in my field. What I want to talk about today would appear to be something of a game-changer for interpreter training, or at least a firm step towards bringing training into the 21st century.

We all know that post-secondary education is moving swiftly toward embracing virtual learning environments (VLE). You don’t have to look far to find the trailblazers: headlines were made around the world recently when Harvard, MIT, and other top US schools unveiled edX, a common platform offering hundreds of their courses online for free. Oxford has since responded with a weblearning initiative of its own, and others are swiftly following in their footsteps.

Readers may also be aware that there are more and more opportunities springing up for learning and practicing interpreting online. Here are a few good examples: the University of the Witwatersrand occasionally offers intensive courses in interpreting techniques that are part online, part face-to-face. The FTSK’s Internationale Sommerschule offers weekly not-for-credit online interpreter training sessions. Then there are AIIC’s training webinars, which expose a broad audience to the views of eminent trainers. I also know of a handful of colleagues who regularly teach and meet with students via Skype or get together to practice their technique in Google Hangouts.

However, to my knowledge at least, there has to date been no degree-level interpreter training course delivered 100% online. This is all changing, with the launch of the Master of Conference Interpreting (MCI) at the Glendon School of Translation in Toronto, Canada.

Glendon’s MCI is a complete, two-year postgraduate qualification. It’s not the first of its kind in this respect – indeed, in many ways it is modelled on more classical training models such as the European Master’s in Conference Interpreting – but what makes it new and different is the fact that Year One of the program is delivered 100% online via Moodle (a popular VLE) and Adobe Connect (a webconferencing tool). Successful completion of the first year, which includes modules in healthcare, legal and conference interpreting, leads to a Graduate Diploma in General Interpreting and is intended to prepare students to obtain certification and enter the community interpreting markets in their countries.!
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Concours: Master Professionnel en Traduction et Interprétation – UY1

Le Doyen de la Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l’Université de Yaoundé I informe le grand public et toutes les personnes désireuses de s’inscrire au programme de Master Professionnel en Traduction et Interprétation qu’offre l’Université de Yaoundé I qu’un test de sélection (épreuves écrites et orales) donnant accès à cette formation hautement professionnelle sera organisé au sein de son établissement le vendredi 5 novembre 2012 dès 8 heures.

La date limite de dépôt des dossiers de candidature comportant les pièces ci-dessous est fixée au mercredi 31 octobre 2012.

- une enveloppe (format A4) timbrée au tarif en vigueur à l’adresse personnelle du candidat ;

- une demande manuscrite motivée adressée au Doyen de la FALSH de l’Université de Yaoundé I ;

- une copie certifiée conforme de l’acte de naissance

- une copie certifiée conforme de tous les diplômes universitaires ;

- une copie certifiée conforme du Baccalauréat ou du G.C.E. Advanced Level ;

- les copies certifiées conformes des relevés de notes pour tous les diplômes universitaires ;

- une attestation de présentation des originaux des diplômes ;

- une attestation de présentation des originaux des diplômes ;

- une attestation ou certificat de travail pour les professionnels ;

- quatre (04) photos d’identité au format 4×4 ;

- un reçu de versement de la somme de 20.000 FCFA, non remboursable représentant les frais d’étude du dossier auprès du billetteur de la FALSH.!
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Intercultural Communication in Practice - SIT Graduate Institute

Intercultural Communication in Practice
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Dates: January 13–25, 2013 (optional Turkish language intensive from January 7–11, 2013 in Brattleboro)
Credits: 2*
Professor: Linda Drake Gobbo
This course will focus on Turkey’s complex cultural landscape and will include pre-travel seminars, in-country orientation and guided tour of Istanbul, field excursions, service work in a local community, and meetings with local organizations. Students are expected to relate the theories of intercultural communication in their course readings through their immersion in Turkish society and direct contact with people in varied settings: academic and informal, urban and rural, professional and familial.

Over a two-week period, students will stay in the center of Istanbul, move to a homestay within the surrounding city, have a rural visit and homestay, and return to Istanbul prior to departure.
The course will be offered in a blended format: Students from SIT’s low-residency and on-campus programs will come together online to prepare for the travel, ground themselves in relevant intercultural communication theory and concepts, obtain background information on Turkey, and reflect on culture and themselves as cultural beings.

The course will be delivered in English, but students are encouraged to use any available resource to develop basic Turkish language competency. An optional Turkish language intensive will be offered in Brattleboro from January 7–11, 2013.

In addition to the travel portion of the course, there will be two mandatory class sessions and online pre-departure activities during the fall semester and reentry assignments following the program’s completion.!
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University Of Ulster News Release - New Language Venture to Address Interpreter Shortage

Dr David Barr, Head of the School of Modern Languages.

The University of Ulster has teamed up with language services company, Diversity NI, to help meet the increasing demand for high level interpreters and translators.

The venture will give MA Professional Translation students the opportunity to gain Diplomas in Public Service Interpreting and Translation from the Chartered Institute of Linguistics – an internationally recognised qualification for interpreters and translators worldwide.

Dr David Barr, Head of the School of Modern Languages, said: “This partnership is great news for University of Ulster language students, who will now be able to undertake the DipTrans and DPSI qualifications alongside their academic degree.

“It is also fantastic news for the economy as local interpreters and translators will have greater opportunity to up-skill their qualifications which will be beneficial when doing business with overseas organisations and companies.

“This news comes as the University strengthens its links with China through the Confucius Institute and this collaboration offers opportunities for Chinese students studying at Ulster to gain these internationally-recognised qualifications in translation and interpreting.”

Paolina Hawthorne, Director of Diversity NI added: “We are delighted to be involved in this partnership with the University of Ulster. Over the next few years, changes in EU legislation means that the qualifications held by public sector interpreters and translators throughout Europe will need to be updated.

“This agreement with Ulster offers an important mechanism to provide postgraduate level interpreting and translation qualifications in Northern Ireland. The demand for high level interpreters and translators locally is increasing each year.”

For further information on the University’s MA Professional Translation, visit:!
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University of Westminster - Courses - Translation Studies (Spanish) BA Honours

The University of Westminster is a diverse centre for study located in central London offering undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees.!
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CVC. El Trujamán. Enseñanza. La capacitación docente en traducción, por Julia Sevilla Muñoz.

La capacitación docente en traducción

Por Julia Sevilla Muñoz

Cuando nació, en España, la Licenciatura de Traducción e Interpretación, hubo una lógica búsqueda de profesorado. Gran parte de los docentes procedía de las facultades de Filología, otra parte eran licenciados en Traducción y en Interpretación por centros europeos (Bruselas, París y Ginebra, principalmente) y, en menor medida, se incorporaron tanto expertos en materias especializadas con buenos conocimientos en lenguas extranjeras como traductores profesionales. De forma paulatina, han ido integrándose en este amplio abanico del profesorado licenciados y doctores en Traducción e Interpretación por universidades españolas.

Uno pudiera pensar que reina la armonía y el respeto mutuo entre filólogos y no filólogos después de convivir tantos años en una actividad común: la traducción. Sin embargo, durante la impartición de un seminario sobre traducción, hemos sido testigos del ataque de una filóloga —que curiosamente reconocía no dedicarse de forma sistemática a la traducción— contra uno de los ponentes no filólogos que alterna su docencia en traducción con la traducción profesional y la investigación en traducción especializada.!
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My Lord, my fam, my job, my friends: Guest post - Master's Degrees in Translation

There are obviously numerous different paths that can be followed in order to become a fully qualified translator or interpreter. No one definitive route exists that is considered the standalone, perfect way to forge a career for yourself in the industry. In fact, one of the most interesting aspects of working for a translation agency is that I get to meet linguists from all sorts of different backgrounds besides the obvious cultural ones. Many have always operated as freelancers, while others have had careers as translators in the private or public sector or have worked more directly in their specialised field. Some have little more than a bachelor’s degree to their name; others have more qualifications than you can shake a stick at!

One experience that countless translators I come across have benefitted from and speak highly of is completing a master’s degree. Again, master’s graduates I have the pleasure of meeting have done their degree at different stages in their career. Going straight from a bachelor’s degree to a master’s is a common route for translators who know exactly what they want and have the means to do so, although there are plenty who have gone back into studying and working towards a master’s after having considerable experience as a translator.

From gauging the opinion of those at Quick Lingo who have chosen to further their careers with translation-related master’s degrees, I can tell you more about options available from five of the UK’s best universities:

Read more:!
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Cursos, Congresos y Conferencias 2012

  Formación U niversidad deS alamanca F acultad de Traducción y D ocumentación B iblioteca Web FORMACIÓN Cursos, Congresos y Conferencias 2012 I nfo T rad 27 de Julio de 2012 Juli 2012 22-28 J...!
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Translation Studies MA (Distance Learning) - University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham. Postgraduate study. This course is designed for practising translators, teachers and academics interested in Translation as an area of study.!
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Colegio de Traductores Públicos del Uruguay...

La Comisión Directiva del Colegio de Traductores Públicos del Uruguay se complace en anunciar el curso sobre Traducción técnica Cómo traducir e interpretar lo técnico, sin ser un técnico que dictará la T.P. Silvia Bacco, de Argentina.

Silvia Bacco es Traductora Pública con más de 30 años de experiencia en la traducción de textos técnicos y semitécnicos de diversas áreas. Ha dictado este curso en la Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca, Círculo de Traductores Públicos del Sur), en la Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (Catamarca, Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Provincia de Catamarca), en el Colegio de Traductores de Tucumán, en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Provincia de Córdoba) y en la Asociación de Traductores e Intérpretes de Monterrey A.C., México, entre otros.

El curso está diseñado para brindarle a los traductores de las distintas lenguas elementos que les permitan desempeñarse como traductores técnicos y mejorar su competencia como tales, criterios para aceptar o rechazar proyectos, documentación, resolución de dudas terminológicas, control de calidad y análisis de los defectos de la traducción, entre otros.!
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Máster en Comunicación Internacional, Traducción e Interpretación: dudas frecuentes | No disparen al traductor

Seré sincera: estoy un poco despegada del calendario académico (y del blog, diréis, pero ese es otro tema). Aun así, en este último mes he recibido algunos correos de estudiantes/recién licenciados que se plantean el camino a seguir acabada la carrera. Es esa época del año, supongo: verano, vacaciones, ansiedad laboral… En concreto, he recibido dudas sobre el Máster Universitario en Comunicación Internacional, Traducción e Interpretación (MCITI) que oferta la Universidad Pablo de Olavide y que, con suerte, acabaré con la defensa del TFM en septiembre.

Antes de resolver dudas, una pequeña aclaración: bien por todos los recién licenciados que se animan a escribir y a documentarse sobre un máster antes de empezar; no-tan-bien el hecho de que conciban un máster como la primera y única salida acabada la carrera. Dicho esto, vayamos al grano:

Licenciados en TeI!
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IMIA - International Medical Interpreters Association

IMIA CEU information:
This course is approved for 5.6 IMIA CEUs.

Language Connections



1845 Commonwealth Ave

Target audience:
Bilingual individuals with or without prior experience in interpreting or Health Care, who want to make an impact assisting patients from their communities communicate with health care providers effectively.

Brief description:
This 7 week program will run from Aug 23 to Oct 4, on Thursdays from 8:30am to 5 pm.
Candidates will be tested for fluency in both languages before being admitted to the Program.
The morning session consists of interactive learning of different modes of interpreting, standards of practice, code of ethics and laws and regulations governing Limited English Proficiency patients' communications with English speaking providers.

After lunch there will be 1,5 hour Anatomy and Physiology lecture and then a Language Coaching 3-hour terminology and role-play practice in your language group.!
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Davidson community college first in N.C. to offer medical interpreting degree - Greensboro - The Business Journal

Davidson County Community College this fall will become the first community college in North Carolina to offer a degree in medical interpretation.
The two-year program, which The Business Journal first reported on in September, will focus on Spanish interpretation. Applicants must be fluent in both English and Spanish prior to starting the courses.
The demand for medical interpreting in North Carolina has been driven in part by a Latino population that has more than doubled in the past decade.
Medical interpretation requires much more than just bilingual fluency — interpreters must be able to translate complicated medical jargon as well as conversational speech.!
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Translation and/or Interpretation — Hunter College

One of the fastest-growing needs of the New York metro community is for qualified and professionally trained interpreters and translators.!
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Dubai's first BA program in English and Translation to be launched this September | Canadian University of Dubai (CUD)

The four-year program, which starts this September, will focus on translation between Arabic and English. Future professionals will be helped to master every facet of the two languages, as well as gain an understanding of different types of translation, the art of public speaking, the cultural aspects of language and psychology.

"The world revolves around communication and translation is very much a growing industry," said Dr Kathy O'Sullivan, chair of the program. "The Canadian University of Dubai tailors its academic programs to the real needs of the world. This is one program that students are pretty much guaranteed to immediately get a job as soon as they graduate.

"Translation is a degree that many people tend to do when they are already working as translators, and often they have been working in the field for some time. However, wouldn't be far better if they started out by learning their profession on an academic level as well as practical level?"!
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Launch of the Vocational Diploma in Interpreting - Leeds Metropolitan University

Interpreters looking to enhance their skills by getting to grips with cultural differences and etiquette can do so online via Leeds Metropolitan University’s School of Languages.!
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Specialised Translation and Multilingual Communication - Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt - Germany

Master of Arts in Specialised Translation and Multilingual Communication. Focus on specialised translation in the fields of life sciences and engineering.!
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University College Cork(UCC): New MA in Translation Studies

The new MA in Translation Studies (1 year full-time) is now open for applications.

This is a 12-month full-time (24 months part-time) programme leading to an MA in Translation Studies. It aims to provide students with advanced training in translation and intercultural communication skills in and between English and one or more modern foreign languages.

Applications must be made online at

Closing date: 20th July, 2012

Please see more information and application details at!
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Specialised Interpreting Courses in Johannesburg - Interpreting Courses for Experienced Professionals

This course is aimed at professional interpreters. The aim is to improve participants’ grasp of the principles and professional practice which govern the interpreting profession in intermediate conference interpreting contexts.!
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Medical Interpreter Training Course - Rapport International

Medical Interpreter Training Course

June 19th, 2012 by Wendy Pease
Bunker Hill Community College added a medical interpreter training course to its summer catalog. Bunker Hill recognized that interpretation and translation is a rapidly growing industry and was quick to meet this demand. The training program will include an overview of the interpreting profession, as well as instruction on consecutive and simultaneous interpreting among other topics. For more information, please visit:!
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University of Pune to start ‘Masters in Translation’ course - Pune - DNA

The two-year course will begin from July of this academic year, said director of Sanskrit Pragat Adhyanan Centre Ujjwala Panse-Jha.!
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