Five Tips For Marketers In 2014 | Training in Business |
To come up with the Hot Marketing Tips for 2014, I turned to CMOs, authors, CEOs, and even a Dean. I asked the experts to provide their top tips for CMOs as we move from 2013 to 2014.


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Below are 5 of the best ideas (and a bonus one) that range from career to management to marketing advice.


Tip #1: Think ‘Cloud’ First

CMOs in 2014 need to think ‘cloud’ first as the vast amount of channels, systems, media and networks that make marketing ‘work’ will grow even more over the next 12-24 months. Being able to integrate systems and reconcile data on a daily basis is the only way the CMO’s business will stay aligned with the speed of today’s audience/consumer.”


Tip #2: Bias for Action

Marketers will be well served by getting into the market quicker, reading results faster, and being more agile in action.


Tip #3: Don’t Fall Behind While the World Moves Ahead

The technologies and data sources for tracking (marketing fundamentals) are changing at warp speed.  Failing to keep up is a certain recipe for falling behind, but today’s environment offers many more ways to stay abreast than in years past. 


Tip #4: Learn Google Analytics

Every CMO with a strong online presence should be fluent in how to analyze, understand and evaluate at a high level their online traffic.  This skill is necessary to ‘walk the talk’ with their team and gain credibility with senior executives. Should a CMO routinely spend time in Google Analytics? Probably not, but understanding the concepts of online analytics will make a CMO more effective in all aspects of their job.


Tip #5: Don’t Focus on Profit at the Expense of Growth

Many smaller / mid-sized firms are so worried about the bottom line that they adopt a state of analysis paralysis when it comes to planning for the future. Focusing on profit while ignoring the planning that can lead to growth can be costly and prevent the executive from achieving long(er)-term business goals.


Bonus Tip: Drive More Revenue from Content Marketing

The power of content marketing comes from leveraging the rich data captured within marketing automation to better educate and convert prospects to qualified leads and high value sales. CMOs that approach content marketing strategically, with disciplined processes and alignment to revenue will generate more value from the technologies already in place that are severely under-utilized.



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Via Joemktg