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Companies worldwide utilize “travel” as a means of gathering corporate employees and holding communication and education seminars. By holding seminars, companies are able to plan a mastermind round table of business leaders, executives within the company and industry. These types of events are helpful for teaching classes, launching new product lines or building company cohesiveness. Many companies go so far as to setup an event website for the program. Event sites, also referred to as specialty sites, are a simple way to explain the event, provide all pertinent event information (venue, address, telephone number), a contact email and links to booking sites for both transportation and accommodations close to the event site. Event sites can help a travel coordinator track attendees. By using the site as the email client in exchanges with prospective attendees, it is easier to remain organized. On the even site all registration fees, hotel/motel fees and any other costs associated with the event can be posted. This makes it easier to register, handle the accommodations which in-turn leads to a better response to the event.


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Via Maria Cristina Terenzio