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In sex, happiness hinges on keeping up with the Joneses

In sex, happiness hinges on keeping up with the Joneses, a new study finds. Sex apparently is like income: People are generally happy when they keep pace with the Joneses and they're even happier if they get a bit more.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Using national survey data and statistical analyses, Wadsworth found that people reported steadily higher levels of happiness as they reported steadily higher sexual frequency. But he also found that even after controlling for their own sexual frequency, people who believed they were having less sex than their peers were unhappier than those who believed they were having as much or more than their peers.

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REAL World Wellness
Sexy stuff you need to stay alive
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Drink Wine, Eat Ice Cream & 5 Other Things I Want My Kids To See Me Do

Drink Wine, Eat Ice Cream & 5 Other Things I Want My Kids To See Me Do | REAL World Wellness |
Have you ever tried to go to the bathroom with someone leaning on your leg? Because that\u2019s motherhood: it\
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Homeopathic Treatment for Anxiety - Dr. Veronica Anderson

Homeopathic Treatment for Anxiety - Dr. Veronica Anderson | REAL World Wellness |
Xanax, Valium, Ativan…these are just some of the many benzodiazepines doctors prescribe to their patients who are suffering from the effects of stress...
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Klay Thompson's Concussion-Like Symptoms Continue To Put Spotlight On NBA's Concussion Protocol

Klay Thompson's Concussion-Like Symptoms Continue To Put Spotlight On NBA's Concussion Protocol | REAL World Wellness |
Klay Thompson crashed to the hardwood in a world of pain after inadvertently being kneed in the head in Game 5 of the Golden State Warriors-Houston Rockets' series on Wednesday night. Although he was cleared to play, Thompson suffered concussion-like symptoms after the game.
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Why I Celebrate The Fact That I Don't Have A Supermodel Body

Why I Celebrate The Fact That I Don't Have A Supermodel Body | REAL World Wellness |
When I was about 11 years old, we had to do a group trust exercise in summer camp. The goal of the exercise was to get all the campers through a \u201Cspider-man\u201D like rope web between two trees. We did
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Effects of Low-Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diets: A Randomized TrialEffects of Low-Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diets | Annals of Internal Medicine

Effects of Low-Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diets: A Randomized TrialEffects of Low-Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diets | Annals of Internal Medicine | REAL World Wellness |
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

And LOW CARB wins by a landslide. Notice it did not say NO CARB. So eat fat and the healthy fats and reduce the carbs.

H2O Alkalizer's curator insight, September 3, 2014 9:21 AM

Low carb vs. low fat diets

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Do You Really Need To Wipe Down The Machines At The Gym?

Do You Really Need To Wipe Down The Machines At The Gym? | REAL World Wellness |

Turns out, our health-minded community is on to something. Warm, moist environments are where bacteria really like to grow, says Dr. Pritish Tosh, M.D., infectious diseases physician at the Mayo Clinic. And if the gym isn't a warm, moist environment, we don't know what is. "There is certainly a potential for transmission of certain kinds of infections," he says.

Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

To protect yourself from infection, its best to wipe the machine down right before you get on and make sure it is dry before you use it so assure all germy germs are dead.

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8 Drugs Doctors Won't Take

8 Drugs Doctors Won't Take | REAL World Wellness |
Every doctor knows that there are two types of top-selling medications: Those that are popular because they are effective and those that sell well because of big drug company marketing campaigns.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Our insurance did not cover Advair and CVS cost is $300. So my husband decided not to buy it and ask for something else. Good thing, huh?

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What Makes You Susceptible to Getting a Cold or the Flu? | Wellness for the Real World

What Makes You Susceptible to Getting a Cold or the Flu? | Wellness for the Real World | REAL World Wellness |
Have you ever noticed that you get sick with a cold or the flu much more often than others around you? Or someone you know is constantly sniffling and maxing out on sick days at work?
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How Faith Can Affect Therapy

How Faith Can Affect Therapy | REAL World Wellness |
Can belief in God predict how someone responds to mental health treatment? A recent study suggests it might.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

“Patients who had higher levels of belief in God demonstrated more effects of treatment,” said the study’s lead author, David H. Rosmarin, a psychologist at McLean Hospital and director of the Center for Anxiety in New York. “They seemed to get more bang for their buck, so to speak.”

One possible reason for this, he said, is that “patients who had more faith in God also had more faith in treatment. They were more likely to believe that the treatment would help them, and they were more likely to see it as credible and real.”

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Physician demand driving more EHRs to go mobile -

Physician demand driving more EHRs to go mobile - | REAL World Wellness |
Since initial rollouts, vendors are scrambling to develop smartphone and tablet applications that go beyond replicating the desktop record on smaller screens.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

The biggest reported issue with mobile apps, at 95%, was the device's screen size. Eighty-eight percent of physicians said they also experienced difficulties with the ease of movement within the mobile chart. A chief mistake many app developers made initially was to replicate the desktop record onto the mobile app, which 83% of users said they did not like. Instead, doctors preferred simplified versions of the record on their mobile devices.

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Why Dads Don't Take Paternity Leave

Why Dads Don't Take Paternity Leave | REAL World Wellness |
More companies, including Yahoo and Bank of America, are offering more generous paternity leave, but few fathers dare to take the full benefit, fearing a loss of status at work.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Two weeks is a step in the right direction. Just a few years back it was 2 days off for most pops.

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Top 8 Summer Drinks to Avoid

Top 8 Summer Drinks to Avoid | REAL World Wellness |
Many of the most popular summer drinks are full of sugar and can sabotage your health; here are some examples.
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Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling

Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling | REAL World Wellness |
Natural climate cycles point to a decline in global temperatures over the next 10 years.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

(N)atural climate cycles have already turned from warming to cooling, global temperatures have already been declining for more than 10 years, and global temperatures will continue to decline for another two decades or more.


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Mediterranean Diet Can Lower Risk Of Uterine Cancer By As Much As 57 Percent

Mediterranean Diet Can Lower Risk Of Uterine Cancer By As Much As 57 Percent | REAL World Wellness |
Risks for endometrial cancer, the most common cancer of the female reproductive organs, can be reduced with adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Women who followed the diet most closely reduced their risks by up to 57 percent.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

The basics always work.

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“Fitspiration” Is Bad For Your Motivation

“Fitspiration” Is Bad For Your Motivation | REAL World Wellness |
Seeing pictures of super-fit men and women may push you to get in shape, but psychology dictates that relying on “fitspiration” for motivation may hurt more than it helps. Here’s why.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Its too far from where you are to be inspirational.

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How To Feel Good When Mantras & Affirmations Don't Work

How To Feel Good When Mantras & Affirmations Don't Work | REAL World Wellness |
Repeating positive mantras throughout the day is a standard recommendation to feel happy and brighten your inner light. But can reciting the affirmations backfire? According to some researchers,
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Study Links Anxiety Drugs to Alzheimer's Disease

Study Links Anxiety Drugs to Alzheimer's Disease | REAL World Wellness |
Alzheimer’s occurs more often among older people who have used benzodiazepines for long periods, researchers report.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

So if you use drugs to check out of your life, you will check out in one of the worse ways possible

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Are You Seeing Butterflies? | Glutino & Gluten-Free Pantry

Are you noticing little butterfly symbol on some of the products you purchase? The symbol looks like this.  It means the product you are about to eat has | Glutino & Gluten-Free Pantry
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

For those of us with wheat allergies, we desire variety and choices. I had Glutino pancakes and they were BETTER than the wheat-based brands. Ask my teenage son who just saw pancake mix not knowing they were Glutino and the whole family are now disciples of this pancake mix over wheat ones. 

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F.D.A. Restricts Antibiotics Use for Livestock

F.D.A. Restricts Antibiotics Use for Livestock | REAL World Wellness |
The move was a major shift that could have far-reaching implications for industrial farming and human health.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Its about time. We always wonder , though what will be the uninteneded consequences both positive and negative.

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How to Get the Best Individual Health Insurance Quote Online - Money Management

How to Get the Best Individual Health Insurance Quote Online
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Is Concierge Medicine The Correct Choice For You?

Is Concierge Medicine The Correct Choice For You? | REAL World Wellness |
If you don’t choose, the choice will be made for you.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Given the current debacle of the Affordable Care Act, Concierge Medicine may actually be more cost effective.

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The Raw Deal |

The Raw Deal | | REAL World Wellness |
More than 10% of orders come from sushi restaurants. As America's love of sushi continues to swim upstream, we decided to sift through orders to uncov
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Hearing Loss One of Risks for Pregnant Smoker's Child

Hearing Loss One of Risks for Pregnant Smoker's Child | REAL World Wellness |
Maternal smoking during pregnancy was associated with hearing loss and an increased risk for substance abuse and addiction in the child, two studies showed.
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'Heading' Soccer Ball Injures Brain

'Heading' Soccer Ball Injures Brain | REAL World Wellness |
Soccer players who repeatedly head” the ball had changes in brain microstructure and performance on neurocognitive testing, suggesting that this popular maneuver may lead to long-term subconcussive b
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:
In this study of soccer players, heading was associated with both abnormal white matter microstructure and poorer neurocognitive performance.These heading associations were not explained by a history of concussion.
Randy Bauer's curator insight, February 1, 2014 4:39 PM

Concussions do not just take place in American Rules Football. the repetitive impact of a soccer ball to the head - heading - provides a significant trauma to the brain.

Reasearch is taking place to determine the number of impacts that may lead to concussions or cognitive changes.

This has consequences to the young soccer athlete that is playing in year-round soccer.

Exposure Increases Risk.

Randy Bauer is a Physical Therapist in Laguna Hills, CA at Bauer Physical Therapy.

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Living With Cancer: Look Good, Feel Better

Living With Cancer: Look Good, Feel Better | REAL World Wellness |
Maybe eyebrows seem trivial to you. Probably given the grand scheme of things, they should be to me. Yet it feels somehow vacant to have a face without eyebrows. So I made the call to the cancer support group Look Good Feel Better.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Look good, feel better speaks very much to the mind body connection. Feeling good about yourself can change your physiology and heal you.

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