Helping Africa develop growth that benefits its poor | Philanthropy Report - Legacy From The Heart |
VSO's Mark Rowland, has just returned from Uganda where he spent the last week understanding the challenges facing entrepreneurship and the role that NGOs can play in releasing the power of pro-poor enterprise...

"We brought together 15 young entrepreneurs from Europe, who all had experience of setting up a businesses to address a social issue, to work with 15 Ugandan counterparts. Their task was to answer a single question: how can we accelerate the building of enterprises that are commercially viable and also create prosperity for poor communities?


The process highlighted three key obstacles that stand in the way of enterprise flourishing in Uganda and across Africa. These are the challenges of capital, capacity and corruption."


AN : philanthropy is not just giving money. The saying of the value of " giving a fish versus teaching to fish " is so apropos.  The interplay of capital, capacity and corruption are so vital in developing self sufficiency and sustainability.

Via Arno Neumann