How To Craft Awesome Emails With Our Intuitive Editor MaxMailz | Online Marketing Tools |
Not into the major autoresponders? No problem! MaxMailz can also work with just about every SMTP service too. And configuring the settings is an absolute breeze. Now you won’t have to piece together multiple solutions for your email marketing. By combining MaxMailz with your SMTP service, it’ll be like a match made in heaven.

If there’s one thing that interferes with getting your emails delivered it’s sending to bad email addresses and getting a ton of bounces. When this happens, you can be flagged by most email service providers and end up in the SPAM. Or worse, you’ll be blacklisted altogether! But not to worry. MaxMailz comes with built in list cleaning and list checking options for you. So you not only save money on these services, but make sure you’re emailing a clean list with every single follow up and promotion

You’ll find that most email editors to be clunky and...well, not very user friendly. But as we said before, we use email a lot in our marketing and often found with other software that it was a pain just to write a decent email.