Moodle Accessibility Guidelines | Moodle and Web 2.0 |
One of the largest undertakings that most Moodle users will face is Moodle accessibility. Simply stated, as it relates to providing educational material, it is important for online training solutions to meet the needs of all students, especially for those that have unique needs. This is one of main goals and objectives of open source solutions like Moodle since it is an international development solution that has been designed for classroom needs all over the globe.

Moodle training solutions can be described as online classroom instructions that can easily be accessed by anyone who needs the course materials. Therefore, for those who need access to different types of training, they can use this platform to meet virtually all of their online training needs.

As a course management system that can be used to for a wide diversity of needs, instructors can present the various kinds of information to their students in a format that will make it simple for them learn. For instance, some instructors may want to provide their course materials via an interactive solution that will help to keep their students engaged throughout the semester or quarter.

Which means, once the instructor has designed and created the course material that is the most effective, they can add this information online so that is easily accessible to everyone who has signed up for the course. Regardless to the individual who is tasked with completing the curricular, the materials should be available for access to people who have disabilities as well as those who do not have any special concerns.

Via Miloš Bajčetić