Alone Together | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
In this video, Sherry Turkle talks about how as a society today, we tend to rely heavily on and expect more from technology rather than each other. She discusses how people's use of technology has changed from the previous generation to the present one, which is currently growing up with technology. After interviewing several people, she was able to conclude that people were so focused on their digital lives that they were becoming less aware of their real lives. For example, she talks about how people would often text at inappropriate times, such as while driving or attending a funeral. I agreed with Turkle when she mentioned how people often depict their social media profile in a positive light, in order to make themselves look better, even though that is not how their life is in reality. I highly recommend watching this video, as it will make you more aware of what you put out there in the digital world, as well as reminding you that your real lives also matter.