Peeling Back the Mask: Reconnect With Your Authentic Self | Family Office & Billionaire Report - Empowering Family Dynasties |
Feel like you wear different masks in different situations? Recognizing when you’ve strayed from your true self is the first step to staying the course.


“You cannot find yourself by going into the past. You can find yourself by coming into the present.” ~Eckhart Tolle           


It was 3PM on a Wednesday and I had nothing to do. An empty schedule with limitless potential. 


I was miles from home in the freezing fog of San Francisco. The bustle of traffic reminded me of my hectic life back home, but I wasn’t bothered. I had nowhere to be and nobody to answer to, just like the day before and the next day. I was free.


I brought my favorite travel companion along with me to aid in my journey of self-discovery: me. Not the busy Account-Manager-me. My true self.