Bias virus hits New York Times as double standards infect coverage of Covid-19 lockdown measures in China and Italy — Damien Wilson/RT Op-ed | Education in a Multicultural Society |
National responses to tackling the coronavirus pandemic in China and Italy have given rise to jaw-dropping double standards at The New York Times.

For it seems that locking down around 60 million people in China is tantamount to a gross human rights violation, while doing the same to 60 million Italians is a bold step forward showing an enhanced sense of community that should be universally applauded.


The West = good. China = bad.


This rank hypocrisy, borne of a desperate liberal need to unnecessarily politicize everything, including the Covid-19 outbreak, has revealed an unflattering truth about ‘The Gray Lady,’ its sobriquet that once conveyed the impression the paper possessed of high virtue. No longer.

Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco