Coronoia: A Classic Psy-Op Executed By Intelligence Professionals - JThomas/AltaCali | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 |

 Things That Make You Go: Hmmmm: Why is the most over-industrialized country in the world with the most onerous vaccination schedule, advanced medical research institutes, a mature biotech industry, and the most prescription drug sales in the Western world also the unhealthiest? 


Do flu vaccines even work? Why is there no cure or vaccine for the “common cold?” How did a bunch of Talking Heads who didn’t pay attention in biology class become experts in immunology and microbiology? Why doesn’t the daily headline scream: “96% Of CORONAVIRUS PATIENTS RECOVER!?” Ginger, or Mary Anne? Enquiring minds want to know…..


They got us right where they want us. Brain-addled by staring for an average of 7 hours a day at our Fondle Slabs (like most statistics, this one was made up on the spot)), our perception of reality hopelessly distorted by years of brainwashing…I mean “education,” we were led like sheep to the slaughter. “Stop running around. Go inside, sit still, and (most importantly), BE QUIET!” Sound familiar? Apparently, you Kids missed the memo (Another Brick In The Wall, Pink Floyd, 1979). We were not taught to think for ourselves; we were taught to follow orders; to obey.


What just happened? The largest transfer of wealth to the Plutocrats and of state power to the Bureaucrats in the History Of The World (see: They Just Stole The Whole Damn World While We Watched GOT Reruns. And By “We,” I Mean “You.”. The deed was done the moment they got everyone to freak out over a “disease” with a 96% recovery rate. No coercion necessary. Just as in hypnosis (and real majick), you must voluntarily surrender control of your psyche for the thing to work. You must participate of your own free will. And we did. 


And by “we,” I mean “you.” Why? Because people don’t Do Their Own Damn Research. Why? Because people can’t or won’t read. Why? Because human beings are genetically pre-disposed to be lazy. Why? Because who the Hell really wants to work? 


One of the most extraordinary thing about Coronoia is how people who couldn’t begin to describe cell function are all of a sudden qualified to speak about immunology. Not just speak, but pontificate, moralize, sermonize, and call people who disagree with them “conspiracy theorists. ‘Oh, I think we should lockdown until they find a vaccine.” Really? The problem is that these people are reporters, not journalists. “Talking Heads,” just repeating official talking points.


I’ve been listening to the Bilious (curmudgeonly, pettish,)  Broadcasting System on the inter webs. The BBC is the ultimate propaganda machine, spewing out perfectly produced segments that all lead to the same conclusion: we’re all going to die. 


Oh wait, what’s that, the virus has peaked in Europe? Most people have recovered? Deaths this year worldwide from respiratory illnesses are lower than last year…? (BBC): “But, but…Africa! South America! India!” “Things are going to get worse in your underdeveloped country! Sir! Madam! How are you going to cope with no proper medical facilities, food, water, or money?! Don’t you realize…you’re all going to die!”


The first casualty of Coronoia was the truth. The next victims will be the children. Scared witless about some invisible “disease” that that might kill them, they will stay glued to screens for the rest of their lives, trying to find their lost youth. So parents, be responsible. Limit your child to one hour a day on any screen, unless watching a movie with the family. And put their little minds at ease with the following evidence-based information:


Dr Shiva Ayyadurai Full Interview on the Health Crisis (MUST WATCH!) 

The Massive Covid-19 Hoax

Facts about Covid-19

COVID-19: 'It May Turn Out That the World has Been Deceived' Hints Russian Military Intelligence Agent

12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic –

Look at How Ridiculously Wrong All the Covid-19 Models Were

Perspectives on the Pandemic | Professor Knut Wittkowski 


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Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco