How to create your personal altar | Crystal Grids for Healing |

Sometimes, you just need a little space. Sometimes, you need a little room to breathe. To think. To reflect. Having your own little space to take a little space for yourself, can be a total game changer for your personal well-being.

Personal altars are a great tool for the modern witch. They're a great tool for the modern woman. They're a small space with only your most cherished items. These little relics of your choice act as a reminder to put yourself first, to breathe, and to stay in line with your inner magic.

But an altar serves as much more than a space for personal reflection. You can work with it to study your crystals; to practice tarot, palm reading, crystal reading or reiki; to focus your intentions on positivity and affirmations; to journey or meditate - to read - and so much more.