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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Win $1,000 Headphone Hack - Hack Your Headphones Contest via @Moon_Audio

Win $1,000 Headphone Hack - Hack Your Headphones Contest via @Moon_Audio | Must Play |

Win A $1,000 Headphone Hack
Friends are running a cool Hack Your Headphones contest. Entering the contest is simple. Take a picture of your headphones and music gear and share on your social nets with hashtag #hackheadpones . Questions or if you don't have social nets email info(at)

Win $1,000 Headphone Hack
Grand prize is a $1,000 #headphones hack by Moon Audio Founder & Silver Dragon audio cable creator +Drew Baird

Short deadline (October 4th), so take a pic and win a better pair of headphones. Drew hacked my +Shure SE846s with Silver Dragon audio cables and WOW what a difference.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

All You Need Is Fun: Gamify Your Business [Infographic]

All You Need Is Fun: Gamify Your Business [Infographic] | Must Play |
All You Need Is Fun: How To Gamify Your Business [Infographic] image Top5Gamification. Be sure to get your customers in the game too. Reports show that only 31% of consumers are using online communities to engage ...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Would that it were so. I LIKE the idea of this infographic - that gamification is easy. I haven't found that to be the case, but like the idea. Our websites and content marketing must become more game-like to create the communities and engagement needed to develop ROI.

In my experience gamifying takes commitment, time and resources. You fail much more than you succeed at first, so patience is also needed. That said the social / mobile web is a "gamers" paradise.

Meaning the more your content creates social reinforcement, fun and joy the better. One of your 2015 goals should be either to gamify outright or find little ways to make interacting with your site / company / brand more game-like. That I agree with :). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

BANG - Mobile Games Take Over: $18 billion in 12 months

BANG - Mobile Games Take Over: $18 billion in 12 months | Must Play |

Mobile Taking Over World
No we are not in the middle of a zombie attack. We are in the middle of smart phones and mobile taking over the world. Proof enough is a sector SLOW to attract investment capital is now a darling.

I just received an iPhone 6 and love it. It is easier for fat fingers to type on, the screen is liquid gold and the sound is full of soul, sorrow and truth. The KEY is to NOT think of the phone as a phone.

The smart phone is a game console. The second key is to realize finding ways to make your content, website and marketing relevant to a gamified world where everyone has a game console and are just waiting to be told (eager to be told) what and how to do something with it.

The camera in our phones is a good example. At first NO ONE CARED. Now we take pictures of our food before we eat and "selfies" have their own TV show. When the tech is there a combination of startup entrepreneurs and intrepid early adopters blaze trails into the forest of our future.

Two suggestions are clear. If your digital marketing isn't "mobile first" you are nuts and if your machete isn't sharp good luck with that :). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why TIME Is Money Online & Ecommerce Is Like Video Games

Why TIME Is Money Online & Ecommerce Is Like Video Games | Must Play |
Why TIME Is Money Online
I've wrestled with how to fit three concepts into online marketing for years:

* Narrative (storytelling).
* Video Games.
* Time.…

This post, thanks to a great game theory post by Jesper Juul, is as close as we've come to fitting these three important puzzle pieces into a "super symmetry". Time is money online and its important to understand how to create online environments that work with customer expectations and major trends such as:

* Mobile First.
* Ubiquitous and always on web.
* Social nets and increasing connections and connectivity.
* Design.
* Alignment with visitors needs, expectations and aspirations. 
* Super-Symmetry between once disparate technologies.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Gamify Your Content Marketing via @Curagami

Gamify Your Content Marketing via @Curagami | Must Play |
Games and gamification creaete great responsive content. Games rock engagement, wins hearts, minds and loyalty so Gamify Your Content Marketing with 5 tips.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

6 Facebook Contests WITHOUT a Like-Gate That Crush It!

6 Facebook Contests WITHOUT a Like-Gate That Crush It! | Must Play |
Struggling to come up with Facebook contest ideas now that the Like-gate is banned? I'm here to help. Rock your next contest with these 6 tips! (Instead of one prize for the winner why not offer a HUGE discount to ANYONE who enters your FB contest?
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Wow, just goes to show you - there are always a million ways to do anything. At our startup @Curagami we like to say anything is easy with instructions (like origami). Here are great instructions on how to create wonderful Facebook contests.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Music Lover & Gear Ambassador Review Contest via @Moon_Audio

Music Lover & Gear Ambassador Review Contest via @Moon_Audio | Must Play |

Love Music? Audio Gear?
Friends at Moon Audio ( are looking for people who love music and the amazing emerging technology changing the way we hear to write reviews to share their love. Reviewers become "Official Moon Audio Ambassador / Reviewers" and get to audition gear I can't afford (lol).

Moon's Reviewer Contest illustrates a favorite strategy associated with the "New Ecommerce" - ASK. The new ecommerce is about building sustainable online communities in a social / mobile / connected time. Building sustainable community means listen more than you talk and ASKING for help.

Moon is lucky. Music and technology lovers love to share. Moon is not alone. No matter what industry you are in there are Ambassadors wiling to help...if you ask. Why? Marketing guru Faith Popcorn said it best:

"People don't BUY brands, they JOIN them".

If you love music and the cool gear we use to make it sound amazing you need to "audition" to become a  Moon Audio's Reviewer. Here is where you can find out more and enter the contest:

Deadline is March 15th, but I wouldn't wait until the last minute rush. If my friends at Moon Audio love your review you might be audition equipment tomorrow :). Marty

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Gamification Pitfalls and How To Avoid Them - Network World

Gamification Pitfalls and How To Avoid Them - Network World | Must Play |

Organizations are expanding their use of gamification to reap additional benefits.

Marty Note
Gamificaiton works, but bad gamifiction hurts. And bad gamification is easier than you think. Good traps and how to avoid them in this post from

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why Red Bull Beats McDonald’s For Your Web Contest via Contest & Games Revolution @Scoopit

Why Red Bull Beats McDonald’s For Your Web Contest via Contest & Games Revolution @Scoopit | Must Play |

McDonalds, Red Bull & Like Me Scores
McDonalds is pushing their Monopoly Game with big brands like Lebron, Patrick Murphy (hockey star) and others. This got me thinking about Red Bull and "like me" scores.

Advertisers evaluate ads on awareness. In a time where everyone is connected to everyone else Red Bull shows the power of "like me" brands. Red Bull brands cultural icons and athletes across a broad spectrum.

Red Bull favors the slightly known star. The missing dimension in ad evaluation is a "Like Me" score. If we ask viewers and consumers of McDonalds vs. Red Bull content is "Like Me" with a 10 point scale (10 = just like me, 1 = not like me at all) I would bet on lower "like me" scores as we move up the brand ladder. More powerful the brand the lower the "like me" scores with many personas (like our Internet marketing tribe).

Lebron occupies rare air, so his "like me" score is likely to be lower than a relevant but only slightly known stars favored by Red Bull. Red Bull gets another benefit by featuring slightly known stars - they get to help shape and amplify the story. They get to play a major role in how the "slightly known" brand becomes known.

My prediction would be the lower the "like me" scores the less likely a consuming audience, especially an online audience, would be to take an action. Higher the "like me" scores the more likely an action. SO...

McDonalds = my tribe = marginal awareness & lower Like Me scores
McDonalds + Monopoly + LeBron = my tribe = much lower scores (thus hurting the tiny margin that may have been interested).

Mcdonalds + Monopoly + Mark Traphagen (or Phil Buckley) = my tribe = VERY interested due to high Like Me scores and support and play is 100x more likley.

Smart move, in a digital age, is to align your brand with an army of "like me" brands.

By shaping the stories of "slightly known" stars, and McDonalds includes a few of these with Lebron, Red Bull's TELLING also shortens distance to "like me" identification" (is my theory). By telling s story Red Bull becomes the prophet / storyteller.

Red Bull's focus is outward (seemingly), but they are painting with the collaboration brush AND they are sharing their valuable amplification power to help lesser known brands. This creates a sense of Red Bull's altruism thus increasing "like me" identification chances (again my theory).

Red Bull creates a strong 3 Legged Stool:

* Brand benevolence helps "slightly famous".
* Distance between Red Bull and content consumers SHORTENED by branding within the tribe (albeit the top % of the tribe in a particular skill) so LIKE ME identification more likely.
* Collaboration feeds aspiration and positions brand as helper / filter / guide / prophet shortening distance and making LIKE ME identification more likely.

More on Red Bull's branding lessons on @ janlgordon's Curatti:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

London Calling Crowdfunding & Contest Tips From The CLASH - A @Curagami @HaikuDeck

London Calling Crowdfunding & Contest Tips From The CLASH - A @Curagami @HaikuDeck | Must Play |

Crowdfunding, Contests and Games
Crowdfunding is a lot like an online contest. There is a deadline and you need an army of supporters to get from here to there. You need an army to help achieve your goal. In crowdfunding and contests there must be some tangible reward.

If people don't feel special and like they are part of your community they don't contribute. Crowdfunders use updates. Contests use feedback loops. The key is to create an event with a defined timeline. We START here and end HERE.

As your timeline progress updates feed momentum. What does music and The Clash have to do with contests, crowdfunding and Internet marketing? As it turns out, quite a bit as we shared in this Haiku Deck:

Crowdfunding (and Contest) Tips From The Clash

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

6 Gamification Ideas Win Hearts, Minds and Engagement - Game On!

6 Gamification Ideas Win Hearts, Minds and Engagement - Game On! | Must Play |

You've worked hard to promote your site, and you've assembled some really useful and important information, but your users are leaving after just a few minutes. The content is simply too complicated, long and too much work to get through.

6 Gamification Ideas
* Quizzes.

* Board Games.

* Choose Your Own Adventure.

* Puzzles.

* TV Game Shows.

* Animated Games.

Marty Note
Love this gamification post because it is a "ditch digging" post. Most gamification posts are steeped in theory. Not this post. This post breaks down the A B C of how to use gamification to create online engagement. Use any two of these ideas and your site wins hearts, minds, loyalty and traffic. Traffic is another form of money, so win some, lose some, play some :).M

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Video Games May improve Dyslexia & Your Internet Marketing [study]

Video Games May improve Dyslexia & Your Internet Marketing  [study] | Must Play |
For people with dyslexia, playing action video games may help them better manage shifting attention between audio and visual cues, new research reveals.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

There are several things I like about this study including how it shifts thinking about games as superfluous and moves them to important and educational - a point Steven Johnson makes in Everything Bad Is Good For You.

As a dyslexic who spent many hours with his hand under his chin spelling words phonetically. The learning about sound was fascinating. Researchers think if they can control sound and visual stimulation, like in a video game, dyslexics may learn better (faster).

This is what I remember about dyslexia - learning was so HARD, so inefficient. The other kids could write and spell. I struggled with those outward manifestations of "learning", yet my mind was capable of grasping complex concepts (for a ten year old).

I could DISCUSS those concepts too, but I couldn't WRITE IT DOWN at least not in a way anyone but me could understand it. There is another lesson in this post - don't limit your thinking about how to solve a problem to a narrow band.

How can you add some "video game dyslexia study" into your marketing. Can you make your marketing a game? If you think about it getting people to know and love you online is a bit like teaching a dyslexic, a dyslexic in a hurry.

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