How-to: Getting to the End of Your Comfort Zone | Box of delight |

When I was asked to join The Scholarly Kitchen, it gave me pause – what exactly was I taking on, and what would it mean to be the “education chef”?  Literally, I knew I was joining a team responsible for serving the scholarly community; and, that I would be delivering educational content that helps to develop skills and habits necessary for career growth and professional development. However, as I began writing my first post, I realized that if I wanted to facilitate ongoing learning, more than just traditional “101” type articles would be required.  At times, I will also have to openly express my opinions on somewhat controversial topics as a dispassionate critic. Rick Anderson talked about the necessity of being able to separate passion from professional discourse as an obstacle he’d faced in his career. A barrier faced in my own career just so happens to coincide with one of those important but controversial topics in our industry, diversity.