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One issue I find with having a sizeable following on social media is that I don’t feel like I can show the kind of frustration that others do when they share personal, political, or professional ‘concerns’. I like to think that I show the same kind of professionalism online as I do in person. For me this is what stops me from ranting and ‘unloading’ my daily frustrations online. Being professional, all the time, means I don’t think it’s appropriate to either mix personal (political) views with work content (MOOC, eLearning, flipped classroom, video in learning, etc.). That’s just me. Sometimes I slip, but even then it’s been carefully considered before I slip and share it. A large proportion of my followers are interested in my work (that’s what I really use Twitter et al for. Facebook and Instagram is private non-work related stuff) I don’ like to openly shared political views, discussed religion, etc. outside of my close friends and family.