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How To Learn Blogging Quickly and Easily

How To Learn Blogging Quickly and Easily | The Content Marketing Hat |
These are the six most important questions to get answered so you can learn blogging the fastest and easiest way.
Mike Allton's insight:

“I don’t know how to ride a dragon,” said Jon Snow.
“No one does until they’ve ridden a dragon,” said Daenerys Targaryen.

Fortunately, learning how to create blog content that drives actual business results isn't as hard, or as dangerous!

If you haven't started, or aren't yet seeing the results you hoped for or needed, take a step back and consider how you're approaching blogging and give yourself space to learn.

#Blogging #BloggingTips #ContentMarketing

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Learn 12 Types of Blogging Posts - Curation

Learn 12 Types of Blogging Posts - Curation | The Content Marketing Hat |
Curation Posts are extremely fast blog posts for demonstrating authority. Learn why and how in this Learn Blogging series on post types.
Mike Allton's insight:

What do you think about curating content for your own blog? Have you ever created a blog post based around someone else's article or video? How did that turn out?

Or is this something you've never tried? (Today's article below will give you background if you're interested.)

#LearnBlogging #Blogging #BloggingTips

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How Ann Handley Consistently Writes With Confidence

How Ann Handley Consistently Writes With Confidence | The Content Marketing Hat |
A #CoolContentCreators Interview with the most remarkable writer, Ann Handley.
Mike Allton's insight:

One of the many reasons I started doing written interviews with incredible content creators was the hope that, through their answers, we'd catch a glimpse of one or two vulnerable moments that we would relate to. Stories about their past that, to us, represent our present or future.


It's like seeing someone you trust and admire admit that they, too, have struggled. They're human after all. That gives us hope and solidarity. And today's interview with Ann Handley is no different.

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6 Key Facts About Blogging in 2020

6 Key Facts About Blogging in 2020 | The Content Marketing Hat |
To understand the nature of blogging today request that we look, not to the past, but to the current state of the blogging world.
Mike Allton's insight:

The year is 2020, and the world of blogging is very different than it was years and decades ago. Ever since the paradigm shift of 2011, where the modern blogging era began, there has been an ongoing revolution in content. It’s an intense and competitive world out there, but sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of just how insane the internet truly is.

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How Much Does It Cost To NOT Invest In Content Marketing Training

How Much Does It Cost To NOT Invest In Content Marketing Training | The Content Marketing Hat |
What are the longterm benefits of content marketing training, and the potential cost to your business if those benefits aren't realized?
Mike Allton's insight:

Are you willing to risk the potential benefits of proper content marketing?

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Launch With Love, How To Support Your Partner Through A Launch

Launch With Love, How To Support Your Partner Through A Launch | The Content Marketing Hat |
One of the most stressful, fun, terror- and tear-filled times in the life of an entrepreneur is The Launch. You may be ready, but is your partner?
Mike Allton's insight:

Whether you're launching a new business, a new product, or a sale campaign, there are a ton of moving parts to manage that are going to draw a lot of your attention.


Attention you *should* be paying to your partner.


Does that mean you can't throw yourself into your next launch? Of course not, but it helps if you follow a few guidelines to help keep your partner in the loop and on board with your activities. Join Stephanie Liu and I as we break and down for you, and make sure that the next time you have a launch, you Launch With Love.

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Launch With Love, How To Support Your Partner Through A Launch

Launch With Love, How To Support Your Partner Through A Launch | The Content Marketing Hat |
One of the most stressful, fun, terror- and tear-filled times in the life of an entrepreneur is The Launch. You may be ready, but is your partner?
Mike Allton's insight:

You got your launch planner. Your webinar is done. Your sales page is ready to rock and roll. You’re about to launch because it’s about damn time! You’ve worked your ass off for this. You earned this.

But you’re forgetting one important thing… your number one fan that’s been rooting for you from day 1.

Before you built that email list, before you rocked the stages, who was it? It was your partner. Is your partner ready for your launch? Does your partner know how to support you? Does your partner have Uber Eats on speed dial?

Here’s how you can Launch With Love.

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7 Harsh Truths About Blogging You Need To Know

7 Harsh Truths About Blogging You Need To Know | The Content Marketing Hat |
Blogging will not bring you fame, money and glory overnight, and many other harsh realities of this work from home industry.
Mike Allton's insight:

To be honest, I wasn’t sure this was the kind of post I wanted to write, let alone publish.

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WordPress Blogs: It’s All About The Content

WordPress Blogs: It’s All About The Content | The Content Marketing Hat |
Blogging means creating content, and WordPress gives you a variety of ways and types of content you can share, from posts to pages to comments.
Mike Allton's insight:

An easy to follow guide that walks you through the differences between Pages and Posts, and how each functions.

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How To Use WordPress Plugins

How To Use WordPress Plugins | The Content Marketing Hat |
Learn what WordPress plugins do for you, which ones you need, and how to install them to add additional functionality to your blog.
Mike Allton's insight:

One of the keys to a successful blog is having just the right number of plugins installed. You want your site to be highly functional, but not so many plugins installed that it's slow.
#Blogging #BloggingTips #WordPressBasics

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How To Use The WordPress Dashboard

How To Use The WordPress Dashboard | The Content Marketing Hat |
Understanding the Dashboard is key to understanding how WordPress works. Learn how to access Posts, Pages, Blog Settings and more.
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Take Your Blogging To The Next Level

Take Your Blogging To The Next Level | The Content Marketing Hat |
30+ blog posts I have published which will teach you key techniques and aspects of blogging to help you with starting a blog and beyond.
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The 1 Email That Will Get You 100% Open Rate, Every Time

The 1 Email That Will Get You 100% Open Rate, Every Time | The Content Marketing Hat |
Chances are, you already send this email to your subscribers. Learn what it is and how to make it more effective.
Mike Allton's insight:

If you’ve sent more than 2 emails to your email list, you know that you never reach every single one of your subscribers.


Some emails go to spam. Others are ignored.


It’s a sad but true reality of email marketing: typically we reach less than 12% of our subscribers with each mailing. But with THIS email, you'll get 100% Open Rate each and every time.

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Learn 12 Types of Blogging Posts - How To

Learn 12 Types of Blogging Posts - How To | The Content Marketing Hat |
How To Posts are perfect Top Of Funnel content pieces. Learn why and how in this Learn Blogging series on post types.
Mike Allton's insight:

It probably doesn't get more meta than a how to post on how to write How To posts. But don't let the simplicity of the topic bely the importance of the post. How To posts are critical components of the top of your funnel! So I've included some best practices and, my favorite part of this series, my secret sauce on how to make a post like this scrumptious.

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Learn 12 Types of Blogging Posts - The Roundup

Learn 12 Types of Blogging Posts - The Roundup | The Content Marketing Hat |
Roundup Posts are extremely effective blog posts for generating traffic. Learn why and how in this Learn Blogging series on post types.
Mike Allton's insight:
The #1 challenge I hear from bloggers is not knowing what to write about, and I've tackled that head-on by helping them generate ideas and giving them templates for posts and designing a planner. But it occurred to me that there was another approach which could help: understanding types of blog posts.
Like someone just starting with live streaming suddenly has their eyes opened to the world of platforms and providers, so too can a business blogger suddenly realize the vast potential of *kinds* of blog posts they might publish. From Listicles to Interviews and more.
I'm going to go in-depth on twelve different types of blog posts, starting with one of my personal favorites out of the gate: The Roundup.
#Blogging #ContentMarketing #Writing
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How Jenn Herman Built Her Authority and Reputation with Content

How Jenn Herman Built Her Authority and Reputation with Content | The Content Marketing Hat |
A #CoolContentCreators Interview with the world's foremost Instagram blogger, Jenn Herman.
Mike Allton's insight:
Have you ever aspired to become so well-known you're invited to speak all over the world, author books, and more?
That's my friend Jenn Herman, a blogger and Instagram authority who has been inspiring and motivating me for years, and today I get to share a little of her story and process.
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How Chris Brogan Never Runs Out Of Content Ideas

How Chris Brogan Never Runs Out Of Content Ideas | The Content Marketing Hat |
A #CoolContentCreators Interview with the incredible storyteller and content creator, Chris Brogan.
Mike Allton's insight:

“Don’t blog for your belly button. Blog to be helpful. No one cares what you think. They care about how you’ll help them move forward.”


Superb advice from the one and only Chris Brogan. To learn more, read the rest of the interview:

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How Andy Crestodina Excels At Content Creation

How Andy Crestodina Excels At Content Creation | The Content Marketing Hat |
A #CoolContentCreators Interview with the incredible blogger and content marketer, Andy Crestodina.
Mike Allton's insight:
Have you ever wondered how some content creators are able to accomplish so much?
Whether it's prolific blogging, incredible videos, or impactful podcasting, just what is it that makes them so successful?
Well, in the spirit of Napolean Hill, I've set out to talk to the most brilliant content creators today, and have started with none other than Andy Crestodina.
You'll learn how Andy has streamlined his content creation process, what some of his most successful endeavors have been, and a pivotal point in his business and content journey.
Mentioned: Ann Handley, Mark Schaefer, Jay Baer, Joe Pulizzi, Robert Rose, Jimmy Daly.
#ContentMarketing #CoolContentCreators
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How To Launch Your Blog's Podcast - Blogging Brute

How To Launch Your Blog's Podcast - Blogging Brute | The Content Marketing Hat |
Everyone learns differently. Here's how you can spin your blog content into an audio podcast to reach millions of interested listeners.
Mike Allton's insight:

According to recent Nielsen data, 51% (144 million) of the US population has listened to a podcast – up from 44% in 2018.

Are you reaching that audience? If not, here's how:

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How to Create 26 Pieces Of Content From A Facebook Live

How to Create 26 Pieces Of Content From A Facebook Live | The Content Marketing Hat |
If you are struggling to regularly create rich content for your blog and all of your social channels month after month, this technique will blow your mind - and drive real business results!
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Blogging Startup Planner for New Bloggers - from the

Blogging Startup Planner for New Bloggers - from the | The Content Marketing Hat |
Don't risk starting your blog wrong and wasting countless hours. The Blogging Startup Planner helps you research your topic & audience and plan for success.
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Understanding WordPress Blog Security

Every blogger needs to be concerned about security. Fortunately, WordPress makes that routine with the addition of key plugins and some common sense.
Mike Allton's insight:

As a WordPress site owner, you are responsible for the security of your website. If you’re using managed hosting, you’ll get some help, but if you’re on shared hosting it will be up to you. Fortunately, there are plugins to help with security.

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How To Use WordPress Themes

How To Use WordPress Themes | The Content Marketing Hat |
Your WordPress Theme is your blog's design, and more.
Mike Allton's insight:

If you're unfamiliar with how WordPress themes work, and what all your options and choices are, this article will help you!

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What Is Wordpress?

What Is Wordpress? | The Content Marketing Hat |
Wordpress is the most popular platform for starting a blog, but what is it really? How much does it cost, and should you use it for your own blog?
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What Platform Should I Use To Start A Blog?

What Platform Should I Use To Start A Blog? | The Content Marketing Hat |
Should you use Wordpress or Medium or something else to start a blog? See the differences.
Taco Bell's curator insight, December 27, 2018 5:23 AM
Extremely helpful
IshaPatekar's curator insight, December 28, 2018 8:29 AM
Its a Wonderful article for  New bloggers, where it says about the important factors to be considered before they start the blogging like what is the best platform to be used and how to do that and it says about a new tool called "Discernment" to choose which is the best platform for Blogging.

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