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Microsoft met en garde les utilisateurs de Mac OS X

Microsoft met en garde les utilisateurs de Mac OS X | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

Microsoft explique avoir analysé le comportement d'un malware ciblant une faille au sein de Microsoft Office pour Mac. 


===> « Aucun système d'exploitation sortant des laboratoires est immunisé contre les malwares », conclut ainsi Microsoft même si la vulnérabilité en question se trouve tout de même au sein d'une suite de logiciels développés par ses propres soins. <===


Quoi qu'il en soit, l'éditeur conseille aux utilisateurs de Microsoft Office pour Mac 2004/2008 d'activer les mises à jour. Notons que Mac OS X Lion n'est pas concerné par ce malware.


La suite sur : Sécurité : Microsoft met en garde les utilisateurs de Mac OS X
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Bad Apples: Mac Malware through the Years

Bad Apples: Mac Malware through the Years | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

With the recent glut of high profile Mac-based malware like MacDefender and Flashback, it’s easy to forget that Macintosh computers (and Mac malware) have been kicking around for more than thirty years – longer, even, than Windows malware.


In fact, the first documented Mac virus actually predated some of the first PC viruses by a good four years. While conventional wisdom has always assumed that Macs are inherently safer than PCs, wider adoption of Macs in recent years has given rise to new and more sophisticated threats, with many suggesting that Apple’s honeymoon with malware authors may be over.


As this slideshow of Mac Malware through the years shows, however, Apple machines are no strangers to malicious software.


Read more and don't forget "Nobody is perfect ;)"...


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Sophos warns of Mac OS security vulnerabilities

Sophos warns of Mac OS security vulnerabilities | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Mac computers are not immune to viruses...


SECURITY VENDOR Sophos' senior technology consultant Graham Cluley warns that it's time for Apple users to take notice of the threats facing Mac OS X operating systems by securing their computers with antivirus software.

Source: The Inquirer (


Read more and watch the video...


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Flashback Virus Infects Computers at University of Iowa

Flashback Virus Infects Computers at University of Iowa | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Fresher students at University of Iowa lately were unable to access the other UI computers when the Flashback virus reportedly infected the campus network.
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New Java trojan and old MS Word vulnerabilities need patching

New Java trojan and old MS Word vulnerabilities need patching | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

According to fresh warnings by security vendor Intego, another Java vulnerability is attacking Macs that haven’t been patched with Apple’s Java for OS X Lion 2012-002 and Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 7, released earlier this month.


Meanwhile, the security analysts warned that many copies of older versions of MS Word haven’t been patched and are being infected.


The Word vulnerability was patched by Microsoft several years ago, however, many Mac users haven’t bothered to install the patches or have turned off the automated Microsoft updates installer. According to Integro, MS Word 2004 and 2008 are vulnerable, but Word 2011 is not. In addition, the older .DOC format is vulnerable, not the .DOCX format.





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Flashback Spread via Hijacked WordPress Blogs

Flashback Spread via Hijacked WordPress Blogs | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
The massive Flashback botnet of Mac machines relied on hacked and malware-rigged WordPress blog sites to spread and infect users, according to Kaspersky Lab researchers.


Flashback Slashed
We now know where the infection originated, and we have a number of removal tools available to get rid of the infection. But there is some disagreement on exactly how many Macs are still infected with Flashback, nearly two weeks later. Kaspersky researchers said a little over 30,000 Macs are still infected, as of Apr. 19. The biggest drop in the infections came after Apple released its final Java update to patch the flaw and remove the malware, according to Kaspersky Lab.


On the other hand, Symantec researchers claimed there were still 140,000 infected machines.

"The statistics from our sinkhole are showing declining numbers on a daily basis. However, we had originally believed that we would have seen a greater decline in infections at this point in time, but this has proven not to be the case," Symantec said.



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New Mac Trojan: Sabpab

New Mac Trojan: Sabpab | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

A new Trojan known as “Sabpab” could hurt Mac users who run Java and Microsoft Word. Security researchers are warning users to make sure their computers


===> have the latest software updates from both Apple and Microsoft, <=== and to use anti-virus software.


In some cases, manual removal of Sabpab may be needed.


Word about Sabpab comes on the heels of another nasty piece of malware, Flashback, that infected up to as many as 600,000 Macs, security experts said, by exploiting a vulnerability in Java software.


Apple last week issued a software-base removal tool for that malware, which can be used by criminals to steal personal information, including passwords.




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D'autres chevaux de Troie, moins graves que Flashback, ont visé Mac OS X

D'autres chevaux de Troie, moins graves que Flashback, ont visé Mac OS X | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
D'autres chevaux de Troie, moins graves que Flashback, ont visé Mac OS X - Malware - Après avoir découvert le Cheval de Troie Flashback sur Mac, les...
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Mac OS X : après Flashback, voici le cheval de Troie SabPub

Mac OS X : après Flashback, voici le cheval de Troie SabPub | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

Découvert par Kaspersky, ce nouveau malware qui cible les Mac exploite une faille de sécurité Java.


Le répit aura été de courte durée. À peine Apple avait-il publié une mise à jour de Java contenant un logiciel de suppression du malware Flashback qu’un nouveau fléau était découvert. Baptisé SabPub, il a été découvert par l’éditeur Kaspersky qui en a repéré deux variantes.


Comme Flashback, SabPub passe par une faille de sécurité de Java au moyen d’un document Word piégé. Le Mac infecté va ensuite se connecter à un site web depuis lequel sont envoyées des commandes. Un pirate peut notamment obtenir des captures d’écran du Mac de la victime.


Cependant, le mode de diffusion de ce malware via des documents Word piégés rend sa propagation moins puissante que celle de Flashback qui a touché 600 000 machines de par le monde.


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Mac Trojan 'SabPub' Proves Cybercriminals Actively Target OS X

Mac Trojan 'SabPub' Proves Cybercriminals Actively Target OS X | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

"SabPub" proves Macs are now targets of Advanced Persistant Threats (APTs), a persistent type of cyber attack operated by cyber criminals, Kaspersky Lab confirmed.


In an update to the ongoing SabPub saga, Kaspersky's researchers reported some unusual activity once the SabPub payload was dropped in its machine bait over the weekend.


===> The attackers were actively analyzing the computer's contents, clearly searching for something: <===




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Schon wieder: neuer Mac-Trojaner entdeckt

Schon wieder: neuer Mac-Trojaner entdeckt | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Die Sicherheitsexperten von Kaspersky Lab haben einen neuen Mac-Trojaner entdeckt. Die Schadsoftware heisst SabPub und verbreitet sich über Word-Dokumente.
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Two Mac Trojans: Apple Patching Fast Enough?

Two Mac Trojans: Apple Patching Fast Enough? | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Attackers behind the Flashback and SabPub malware likely reverse-engineered a Java vulnerability patched for Windows almost two
months ago by Oracle.


Apple, which normally refuses to comment on any vulnerabilities in its products until after it's released a fix, broke with tradition by last week confirming that it was coding an OS X upgrade to nuke Flashback.


===> According to various security firms, approximately 600,000 Macs had been infected by Flashback, which makes it the largest malware infection to ever hit OS X users. <===


In addition, Kaspersky managed to tie the botnet to six malicious Microsoft Word documents that it's seen in the wild, two of which drop the SabPub vulnerability, and four of which drop the MaControl bot, which appears to be an earlier effort by the same virus writers. One key difference, however, is that MaControl didn't target the Java vulnerability exploited by Flashback and SabPub.


===> Another is that SabPub managed to remain active for about six weeks before anyone detected it. <===





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New version of Sabpab Mac Trojan emerges, spread via Word documents

New version of Sabpab Mac Trojan emerges, spread via Word documents | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
A new version of the Mac OS X Sabpab Trojan horse has come to light, and rather than relying upon a Java vulnerability - it appears to be exploiting malformed Word documents instead.
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Microsoft Detects New Malware Targeting Apple Computers

Microsoft Detects New Malware Targeting Apple Computers | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

Microsoft has detected a new piece of malware targeting Apple OS X computers that exploits a vulnerability in the Office productivity suite patched nearly three years ago.


Microsoft advised those who use Microsoft Office 2004 or 2008 for Mac or the Open XML File Format Converter for Mac to ensure those products have applied the patch.


===> "In conclusion, we can see that Mac OS X is not safe from malware," Oh wrote. "Statistically speaking, as this operating system gains in consumer usage, attacks on the platform will increase." <===





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Flashback malware exposes big gaps in Apple security response

Flashback malware exposes big gaps in Apple security response | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
A pair of high-profile malware attacks have given Apple a crash course in security response.


===> A MUST READ for Apple users!!! <===


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Macs More Likely to Carry Windows Malware Than Mac Malware

Macs More Likely to Carry Windows Malware Than Mac Malware | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
One in five Mac computers is likely to carry Windows malware, but only one in 36 is likely to be infected with malware specifically designed for the Mac OS X, according to study performed by antivirus firm Sophos.
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New Flashback variant silently infects Macs

New Flashback variant silently infects Macs | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
A new Flashback Trojan has been discovered that infects Macs without prompting the user for a password.
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Noch 550.000 Macs mit Flashback verseucht

Noch 550.000 Macs mit Flashback verseucht | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

Trotz gegenteiliger Meldung: Noch 550.000 Macs mit Flashback verseucht
Obwohl Zahlen von Kaspersky erst etwas anderes sagten, warnt Dr. Web davor, den Apple-Ausnahmezustand vorzeitig zu beenden. Laut seiner aktuellen Statistik seien noch immer 556.000 Macintoshs infiziert. Dieser Ansicht schließt sich auch Symantec an.


Sollten die Zahlen von Dr. Web korrekt sein, steht Apple noch viel Arbeit bevor. Bislang hat das Unternehmen drei Java-Updates veröffentlicht. Das jüngste soll Flashback von Macs mit OS X Lion und OS X Snow Leopard entfernen. Diese Updates sind aber nur effektiv, wenn sie auch installiert werden, was nach Untersuchungen von Sicherheitsforschern nicht alle Nutzer machen. Zudem verwenden rund 17 Prozent der Mac-Anwender eine ältere Version von Mac OS X, für die es keine Sicherheitsupdates gibt. Das entspricht rund 10 Millionen Apple-Computern.


Unabhängigen Sicherheitsexperten zufolge handelte es sich bei Flashback um die bislang größte Infektion von Apples Mac-Plattform.


===> Die Zeiten, in denen Mac OS als immun gegen Schaftsoftware aller Art galt, seien endgültig vorbei. <===



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Mac users may think they're safe from malware, but they're not

Mac users may think they're safe from malware, but they're not | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Kate Bevan: For too long Mac users have been complacent about malware – it's time they woke up to the threat from trojans like Flashback...


===> Mac users should 'become responsible members of the wider computing community.' <===



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Java update is no protection against new SabPub Mac Trojan

Java update is no protection against new SabPub Mac Trojan | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

Java update is no protection against new SabPub Mac Trojan!


SabPub Mac Trojan is spreading via Word documents, using an ancient vulnerability...



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SabPub : un nouveau cheval de Troie identifié sur Mac OS X

SabPub : un nouveau cheval de Troie identifié sur Mac OS X | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Repéré par des chercheurs de chez Kasperky, le malware SabPub exploite une fois encore une faille de sécurité Java dans Mac OS X via des documents Word piégés.
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SabPub : un nouveau trojan agressif sur Mac

SabPub : un nouveau trojan agressif sur Mac | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

Alors qu'Apple et plusieurs éditeurs en sécurité viennent de publier des correctifs pour venir à bout du cheval de Troie Flashback, un nouveau malware s'invite actuellement sur Mac OS X. Son nom : Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a.


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'Flashback' virus shows Macs more vulnerable

'Flashback' virus shows Macs more vulnerable | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Because Mac laptops' market share has grown so much, it appears Macs are being targeted more.


I hope the very legitimate sense of security Mac users have long had isn’t turning into a false sense of security.


“For years, Mac users have been able to believe that they are safer than the average computer user and turned their noses up at antivirus software. But as Apple’s market share has grown, so has the threat to Mac users’ security,” the Washington Post reports. Specifically, the Post was referring to a virus called “Flashback” that may have infected “up to 600,000 Macs … mostly in the United States and Canada” which seem now to be part of growing bonnet.” A botnet is a network of “bots” (also called “zombie networks”) that are basically compromised computers – infected computers that are obviously no longer controlled entirely by their owners.


Flashback “should be a wake-up call to those who still think that their Mac is invulnerable to attacks like this,” the Posts added.


The security advice offered in the article sounds a whole lot like what PC owners have been told for very a long time:




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New version of Mac OS X Trojan exploits Word, not Java

New version of Mac OS X Trojan exploits Word, not Java | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
A second variant of the Mac OS X Trojan referred to as Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a or SX/Sabpab-A is exploiting a Microsoft Word security hole, not the usua...
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Mac Trojan infects machines through Microsoft Office exploit

Mac Trojan infects machines through Microsoft Office exploit | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
A new OSX Trojan has been discovered – called Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a – which uses a Java exploit which bypasses malware detection programs. It comes after the discovery of the Flashback Trojan this month.


According to Kaspersky Lab, the Trojan connects to a command and control server and ===> uses a Java exploit with an obfuscator to bypass malware detection programmes. <===


It’s the latest Mac Trojan discovered this month. Earlier, the Flashback Trojan was discovered and infected 600,000 Macs worldwide. Apple has since released software to detect and combat the Flashback Trojan.





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