The Best Note-Taking Apps for iPhone and iPad - How To Geek | Android and iPad apps for language teachers |

"People say that the best camera is the one you have with you, and we think the same thing goes for note apps. If you always have an iPhone or iPad with you, either is great for taking notes. But which app should you use?

Note-taking apps litter the App Store, and at one point it felt like we couldn’t go a day without a big new app launch. Since then many have fallen by the wayside, including some high profile apps, but what’s left is a collection of apps that range from the brilliant to the abysmal.

So which should you be using?

When choosing an iPhone or iPad app for taking notes, there are a few prerequisites at play depending on your particular use. For some, Dropbox integration is a must-have, while others are perfectly fine so long as the app supports iCloud. Some people might need support for exporting as Markdown, or perhaps they need live previews of those Markdown notes. There are so many different requirements out there that it’s impossible to consider them all here. What we can do is share what we think are the best note-taking apps for the iPhone and iPad, for most people.

With that said, let’s jump in."

Via John Evans